The day dawned warm and sultry as I shoved my husband out of bed. I wanted to go and donate blood and I had stuff to do...which meant so did he.
As I have mentioned recently we are moving to our farm by the end of January. We have had our home
for over 6 months (only 2 months with the new agent ).
It looks like , after much deliberation, our Sydney home will be
unless a last minute buyer ...who we may have got a phone call about today at 1pm, decides to buy our home. Chances are slim to none IMO.
I'd love to keep our home , if we can , because we might be back.
The 1pm phone call started a cleaning and
Boo !
I digress ...during the week I made my first sales in our virtual pre Christmas garage sale via a local Facebook group I've just joined. I sold both my twins' racing car beds in a few hours (I could have sold them a few times over). One lady came to pick up her's today. The other reneged at the last minute...she suddenly didn't have the money !
Christmas is a popular time to get rid of crap and de-clutter with everyone after bargains or sellers who want more space to leave room for the stuff Santa will bring or the moving house de-clutterers (like me).
So this morning we had also started to sort the garage and get ready to pack non essentials and get the beds out ready for pickup.
After , we heard the potential house buyers weren't coming we
I snapped a few pics on the grass, posted it to the Facebook group and within 5 mins I'd
I learned from holding that other bed for 5 days to say "NO DEAL " - pickup asap or PASS for the outdoor play equipment. It worked , next Thursday then turned into tomorrow.
I've never sold anything on eBay - I am definitely not a 'PLAYER' and I don't like taking 99c risks.
The Trading post online (another free listing site) sold one large Fisher Price toy (and that I could have sold a few times over too) but I had no luck with my racing car beds advertised there for months.
Hopefully, tomorrow, our pockets will have a little more jingle, jangle in them.
I also listed a few other baby toys, even though they are Fisher price, they are moving much slower.
The boys played with the FP Drop & Roar dinosaur and another baby toy for a good 20 mins or more. They don't like the idea of us selling their STUFF.
DH has started walking around the house and suggesting what we could sell next ...the kids are hoarding toys and locking their doors tonight.
So tell me what you have sold and where you have had most success selling your unwanted
... online garage sales because our