Sunday 28 August 2011

Up the dirt road ~ reaching for the stars

I have bloggers block today. Maybe ?
We have a big week ahead.
I have a lot I don't want to or can't talk about because it's scary or sad. I can't articulate my thoughts and emotions into the right words. It is sucking the mental and emotional energy right out of me.
I am staying in the present.

Instead I will tell you about a small boy overcoming adversity. Turning disability into ability.

I met the most inspiring and gorgeous little boy yesterday. T is almost 3 and was born with cerebral palsy. I don't know the full details.

The Drs. told his parents he wouldn't ever EAT (by mouth) or WALK ; NEVER do the things 'normal' little boys do.

How wrong they were ...

At the start of this year his feeding tube, in his stomach, was removed and he started eating food. He polished off apple pie and ice-cream no trouble at all yesterday.

T walks using a walking frame but can bunny hop like a little champion on his knees and using his hands.
He loves riding the motorbike with his dad and driving the car, both in a real car and while being pushed in toy ride on car.

He can talk pretty well too - clearly told me ... " All finished now " as he pushed the plate away when he wanted out of the chair at lunchtime. T drives his matchbox cars and toy trucks around on the ground, in the dirt and all. T only has sisters but clearly loves boy toys.

There is nothing stopping this incredible little boy , except the expectations of others.

He was very cute and engaging, waved and said "goodbye" to me several times with the biggest smile from the front seat of his dad's car.

Yes, he has immense special needs and a long road to travel but he is reaching for the stars.

PS - His parents are required to travel 400kms and back again to medical appointments. They don't get financial help for travel. In the country his splints cost $700 to have fitted, free in Sydney but traveling there costs $500. They still travel to Sydney because they feel the care is better.

(It's disappointing that our government doesn't allocate more resources for children and adults with unique special needs.)

It was a reminder for me to never underestimate what people (even small children) can do to overcome adversity and life challenges. Lucky T was too little to understand the words NEVER or CAN'T or WON'T.

T was the dearest little fellow.
His parents are certainly amazing too , to not listen to Drs. dire predictions.

Why did Drs focus on the things he would never do instead of what he might achieve??

When I think we have problems I only have to look around and see others traveling a much harder path.

It will be ok.

Some days I wish God had called me to be a taste tester at Ben&Jerry's (Mort Skipper) or Cadbury's chocolate factory ...

I am testing out Blogpress from my iPad today.
I am loving my iPad and I want to use it to it's potential.
Do you use Blogpress ?

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