Tuesday 2 November 2010

Random A ...

Brought to you today by the letter
1. A - finger acrobatics, 2. a plate 20, 3. a005, 4. "A" come altalena

A is for Apple slinky ...cut neatly in a spiral .This slinky doesn't do stairs LOL.
My boys call them curly wirly apples and they eat more apples than they did before so I can't complain about the extra 3 mins it takes.
It saves on half eaten apples too.

A is for AMB Badge
a community for blogging parents. I joined but being time 'tight' -virtually bankrupt I haven't fully participated as much as I would like. They have groups for everything & everyone. Blogging tips, advice and they list heaps of giveaways.
They have a conference coming up in 2011. I'd like to go more than anything but due to traffic jams & detours on my life's (& hubby's) roundabout I can't commit to anything.

A is for ARKS ~ Acts of Random kindness. I'n November I'm hoping to participate in 30 day giving challenge ...30-Day Giving Challenge in a small way without using too much $$$. I love some of the creative ideas. I'm not sure how I'll go but anything is ok if it makes a difference.

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. ~Author Unknown

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Brenda said...

I love the slinky!

Hope to see you at the conf, Trish! And hey, thanks for the shout-out. Mwahs.xx

Kelley @ magneto bold too said...

Ditto on the conference. Hoping that life stops throwing faecal bombs both our ways and we can meet up and I can give you a huge hug!

TSintheC said...

Do you have some sort of kitchen tool to do that, or are you just REALLY talented with a knife? :-)

Jayne said...

How do you cut the apples like that?
Bankrupt with time here, too, I'll just wave in your general direction :P

Crazed Nitwit said...

Will you make me an apple slinky, puleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze????

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