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Today is a good day to come out and talk about my boobies ...Two weeks ago on 10.10.10 my twins breastfed for the last time.
It might shock or surprise people that I allowed my sons to breastfeed past their 4th year.
I know the idea of breastfeeding preschoolers wasn't on my agenda when I started 4 years ago.
When I started breastfeeding, my one month premature, twins, it was doubted by many I would establish BF at all. It was a tough start. It nearly didn't happen because I didn't get a lot of support in hospital.
Once home , I breastfed one and pumped for his brother who refused to attach to the breast . He didn't breastfeed for over 5 months. I was extremely relieved when he changed his mind.
So 'our' breastfeeding journey has reached it's final destination.It wasn't a deliberate choice to stop that day , it just happened that we were away for the weekend.My brother & his family were away with us, the next morning my boys hurried out of bed to play with their cousins.
They forgot ...I knew it.
The next morning back at home I was out of bed early; they liked to come and snuggle in with us and then BF .They got distracted because I was up already.
The third day I simply said 'No'.
It was hard when one especially cried and begged me please for "Boobie Nilky" , trying to convince me he was still a little boy and wanted boobie milk not milk from the cup/cow.
Over the last 2wks they have still asked every few days...the other day one tried to tell he was little because his legs didn't reach (...the bottom of the bed).
Today both asked as they cuddled into my chest. One softly murmured "Boobies, I can see your boobies" (I was wearing a singlet)
Am I sorry to end - yes - but I know it was time. I'll miss it in many ways and I 'm thankful that I had the support of my husband so I could breastfeed.
I have very lumpy breasts and I've had several mammograms over the years. Each time it is scary.

One in nine women will contract the disease by the age of 85 and about 36 Australians are diagnosed with it every day...1% are men.
I hope that one day we can cure all cancers.
I registered at Register4 for answers, cure, future,life ! Only takes 3 minutes.
*if you came here to see pictures of Breastfeeding twins or even my boobies sorry to disappoint ;)
well done you!!!!!!
4 yrs!!!
My attempts at breast feeding failed rather miserably so I am very impressed by your achievement!
4 years of breastfeeding is a great job!
Good on you, Trish!
I can't believe how fast the time has flown, it must be a blink of an eye to you xxx.
the world average for weaning is four years old....so your babies got the average amount of normal, natural breastmilk feeds....the same as my DS, who had his last feed on his 4th birthday....well done to feed twins, though! I tandem fed for four months!! smiles
Well done on doing what you knew was right for you and your boys. And thanks for the link, great idea and so easy for everyone to get involved in finding a cure.
Well done Trish; What an achievement!
I love that picture of the calf having a suckle! :D
I breastfed for 4.5 years : ), and am very pleased with that. But it is hard to tell some people without them looking at you like you're a complete freak.
I'm very impressed you went that long with twins. That's AWESOME!!!!!! You did a good thing for your kids and your breasts.
I AM very disappointed that you are not sharing photos of your boobs!!!! I'm joking ; )
I love stopping by your blog - you always have great stories to share. I loved hearing this one, I get so sad when I hear women pre-birth who refuse to even consider breastfeeding their wee ones.
You were much better then me... I nursed my twins (also month early) for 2.5 years but it was too tough with my family around to do it much longer. Both me and the twins loved it and even though we stopped 6 months ago they still remember very well what boobies are good for and sometimes they even ask for some milk. I miss it, it was definitely the best way to cuddle and relax with twins when you knew they are both getting attention.
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