Ivy's condition is especially tough on her parents who are 'required' to stay for extended periods at the Hospital. Of course any parent would stay willingly even if it means sleeping on the floor but if we help Tiff & Team Ivy reach their goal ...they won't have too.
I was a registered nurse who worked over 12yrs in another Children's ward of a local hospital . Not many of our inpatients had extended stays.Many parents still opted to stay even if it was for one night.
It made my job easier not having to worry about comforting distressed , unwell crying toddlers & babies . Instead being able to concentrate on their medical/nursing needs.
The support parents and other carers provide to their children while in hospital is crucial to their emotional and physical wellbeing.It helps with gaining children's co-operation and a quicker recovery.
We only had a few basic, saggy, fold-up beds or the floor or if they were lucky two lounge chairs.I would struggle sometimes to first find & drag together some chairs to make them as comfortable as possible. Most nurses do what we can ...with what we have.
By providing parents/carers with a comfortable sofa bed it ensures that they can stay with and comfort their child during what can be a very stressful time for a family.
I had reason to stay with my son, Joel, overnight 3 weeks ago in Westmead Children's hospital. It wasn't practical to have a sofa bed in the Accident & Emergency dept so I had a chair & a blanket from midnight till 4.30am (while we waited for a bed on the ward) - it does not give restful sleep (not that I am complaining-just saying).
In the ward was provided a pull out lounge, sofa, bed and I got a few precious hours sleep. I needed it. I was very grateful. I can't imagine having to stay for an extended period without getting a decent sleep ...but parents do.
So I am asking you to go first to read Tiff & Ivy's story or just go direct to the everyday hero link here.
Your donation $ will go straight to JHH , even $5, $10 or ? counts or you can dig deeper . At the moment it is being matched dollar for dollar by Ivy's Dad's employer, Canon .
The support in just over 24hrs has been amazing ~ the goal is $5000.
thank you for this, my friend.
Such a great cause, truly. So kind of you to promote and help.
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