Monday 3 August 2009


what if life had a rewind button ...(or maybe just an esc key)
I got this email link from Linda Ellis inpsiration the other day and it is well worth a few minutes of your time.
I could sure use some me time...but today I'll slow down and live my life 'in the now' like I've never ever lived it before .
I ♥ Linda's inspirational poems.
I wanted to post this for Natalie too.

Never miss a post


Mum-me said...

The Esc button sounds tempting this week - I don't want to face it!

A slow motion button would be good at other times.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

I'd like to press the esc button some days.

What about if you could push the ctrl button every once and a while? Might give me the upper hand sometimes.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

@Mum me I would love a slow motion button or to insert a few more hours in my day.;)

@Tiff - ah the control button brilliant ...we all use the upper hand sometimes or just a friendly hand.

ruddygood said...

Hello, love, I made it!

Thanks for sharing this lovely poem...made me smile.

That Insert button for extra minutes in every hour was tempting...then I realised I would be just compounding the problem.

Pause would be nice - some moments, flown quickly through, would be better savoured with a nice long pause.

allison tait said...

Oh, I"d love that slo-mo button. Thanks for reminding us how important a little rewinding is now and then.

Thank for Rewinding at the Fibro today! :-)

Jen said...

Freeze frame would do nicely too, I am not fussy :D Jen (visiting from Weekend Rewind)

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