Fortunately, I have 5 mins to spare, while I sit making sure my toddlers have a nap.I am sitting on Joel's bed while barking orders liedown, head on the pillow , be quiet !!!!
Thanks to K@lakly, (who thanks to Niobe) I found a productive way to spend my time your name, beginning with "unfortunately________" filling in your name and see what pops up.
Unfortunately, I didn't really like the options.
So here's some of what I have been 'unfortunately' up to:
Unfortunately Trish is in end-stage multiple ...
Unfortunately, Trish's inquiries draw the unwelcome attention of some unsavory individuals who attempt to frighten her into backing off. ...
Unfortunately Trish came down with a cold a few days ago
Unfortunately Trish and I couldn´t sit up and listen to the tales of local town though. After one glass of disgustingly bad wine from a box
Unfortunately Trish is in pain today after the car door slammed shut on her finger. – ouch !!!
Wait there was more but I had to click the links and they were so tragic I turned my frown upside down ...and goggle 'fortunately'.
Fortunately, Trish is a wizard at calculating cash flow (hint: it's not about knowing how much money you have in the bank today, and spending based on that; ...) tick
Fortunately, Trish is wonderfully understanding. tick
Trish, fortunately takes after her mom ...tick
The sun is shining (temporarily)
Life is good ...(enough)
My glass is still half full (well a bit later)
The toddlers are napping *yay*
What have you fortunately or unfortunately been up to lately ?Life is good ...(enough)
My glass is still half full (well a bit later)
The toddlers are napping *yay*
Unfortunately, I don't have as much time on my hands as I'd like *sigh* so I best make tracks I have some dust bunnies to catch.
I almost forgot to mention.It is our oldest son's 16th birthday today. I have to bake a cake, tidy up for visitors and you know the drill ...
I wonder if his birth mother is thinking of him today ?
I bet she is, and we are thinking of you.xx♥
Well that certainly was time well spent - it made me laugh anyway!
Napping toddlers is what I dream of (when I get a chance to sleep and dream.)
Hope your son has a very happy 16th birthday.
Happy birthday. I'm sure his birth mom is thinking of him.
Happy birthday!
And I loved your twist on the "unfortunately" meme.
I had to give this a go!
Happy Birthday to your young man :)
I'm off to give it ago. Happy Birthday Mr 16 :)
Thanks for letting me know what I have to look forward to!!
Happy birthday Master 16.
I have no doubt his birth mother is thinking of him.
Hope you have a lovely time celebrating his birthday!
Those are great! I loved them.
I did this a few months ago for something else and found out there's a character in a book with my exact first, middle, and last name. Talk about interesting LOL I'll have to try the fortunately/unfortunately
Happy belated Birthday to your son. I'm sure his BM was thinking about him, too. ((Hugs))
Happy (late) birthday to your oldest!
I also did the unfortunately game in niobe's comments. A lot of my one-liners had something to do with getting into a car accident and losing an arm. yeesh. I should try again with "fortunately." :)
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