Sunday, 5 April 2009

Weekly Winners 14 2009

March 29th- April 4th 14

Best BuddiesTree with a view
1,2,3 ..throw
Splash down
A little dirt nevers hurts
Sunday breakfast
(yes icecream in the bush someone had a great camping fridge)
(someone else brought the homemade pancake batter)

Twinkling Eyes

Bleached Bones
Loo with a view
Toilet was too far away ... bushed it !

The watcher as we packed up camp

Big " boys' " toys.

WW is hosted by Lotus.
I haven't got a lot of variety for you today because my lovely new camera is broken and gone for repair. *sob*
I took these last Weekend mostly on the Bridle Trail an easy 4WD trail that starts in Bathurst and ends at Hill End (in 1870, Hill End was famous for being the richest gold mine on the planet and world's largest Gold specimen! )
We camped in the middle of the bush overnight .The Bridle trail follows the river and was once used by miners to cross the Great Dividing range to reach the GOLD mines...
many perished on the trail.
The view down the side of my window was ...a bit scary !!!
We didn't camp in the campground near the worm loo / beside the river because someone had left a heap of rubbish behind (6 kids aged 2,2,2,3,4,5) and it was too rocky.

In Hill End , Old Royal Hotel, the general store and many original homes are still standing.

Turon River valley.

Never miss a post


katef - said...

love the boys tossing rocks into the river... makes me want to come do it too!

Tara R. said...

Wonderful shots. Looks like a great adventure. I like the idea of pancakes and ice cream for breakfast.

tiarastantrums said...

the valley looks amazing!

Jeanette said...

How very interesting, that old hotel looks amazing. LOL at the loo with the view.
Love the idea of pancakes and ice-cream when camping!

Secret Agent Mama said...

Beautiful work, Trish! I love seeing your boys together.

Jientje said...

I think it's been a while since I saw pictures of your kids, but it struck me. My how they have grown!

Smoochiefrog said...

Look at those views! Beautiful!

Alison said...

Stunning pics! Those boys are just gorgeous, and the views aren't bad either!
Looks like a great adventure.

Paula said...

What a wonderful trip you had and great picture documentation! I am happy you were able to enjoy this trip with the boys. Wish we could have joined you :).

Regarding myself...I am not still breastfeeding Grant. At 28 months I gently weaned him because I was very pregnant and the sensations were honestly driving me after months of suffering through it...I decided I just had to stop it. He was quite the trooper about it. Now I have a 12 day old little girl...and he has asked for it again...and I had planned on allowing him...but I have since decided against it. I am being selfish...but I really dont want to nurse both of them right now. Its enough to keep up with a newborns needs. I do feel guilt..but also a since of freedom. Usually in parenting situation and decisions I never choose myself over them...but this one decision I did...and it feels right for me. I think it allows me to mentally be not being pulled in so many directions (literally). I am SOOO happy to know that you are still nursing the boys! What a tremendous achievment and gift of love. They are lucky little ones. Oh and I do have another blog but have not kept up with it in many months. It is: . I have become SUCH a lazy blogger..but I am sure it will get updated occassionally. Much love TRISH!!!!!!!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great photo's. I love the one's of the boys.

Lis @ ATruckerWife said...

the first picture is just adorable!

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful place and nice pictures ! this toilet sign is too funny,lol !

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Looks like a great camping trip. Your boys are adorable.

Debbie said...

I love the one of them both throwing rocks. And the ice cream and pancakes? Yum!

Mistress B said...

I remember camping at Hill End for our year 8 History excursion. It's an interesting place. Looks like the boys had a lot of fun :)

Mum-me said...

The pebble-throwing photo reminds me of my son at that age. We used to joke that he would throw rocks into the river until there were no rocks left! He loved it that much.

Hill End is a lovely place, and Sofala too. I am so interested in historic towns like that. Have you been to Silverton near Broken Hill?

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