Then it is Smiley Saturday in fact.
The last week -the first full week of 2009 has flown.
So Sat (u r) day ...I didn't. Sit much I mean.
I weeded , I cleaned , I washed, I wiped out the bath, scrubbed doors, I wiped wee off floors and I picked up 1001 toys and toddler paraphernalia ...including their clothes. My boys love undressing and re dressing in my socks or shoes - ONLY I mean - my socks and their own hats.
I didn't get the camera out quick enough and I can't take or rather post pictures of them nekkid. They are so funny, when I'm not pulling my hair out at the mess they leave in their wake.
They had a long sleep today so I achieved a lot. I feel very satisfied...except I haven't had much online time at all today .
What else made me smile this week ?
- A day out on Tuesday with friends to the Powerhouse Museum...though we did a lot of chasing with 5 x 2 yr old boys on the loose.
- Seeing the delight of 5 little boys on the train and in the museum and special toddler/youngster areas.
- Having a lot of laughs in the train with the mums and some friendly guys ( married though in good humour after a day at the cricket - who we hope went home with a new appreciation for their wives). We were so squished in a tiny compartment coming home - no one could move much in or out.
- I hit 100,000 steps in a week mark (thanks to Tuesday 18,917) and my first million -well counted in 82 days. I just realised 1 min ago when I updated my last two days - hooray !
- My wee boys are finally getting the hang of potty/toilet training ... still a long way to go. It is a huge cause for celebration when a loud little voice cry rings out 'Mummy I did a wee' (and it isn't on the floor).
- I feel a lot of happier and calmer about lots of things.
- My new camera - how could I forget .Except this week has been so busy I haven't had much chance to use it or learn the features ...incredible and sad *sigh* but I have great plans.
- Every day I find reasons to smile and when I start to feel disappointed about the tough stuff I look for the positives or they come running to me ;) and /or they say kiss & 'ug 'ug ! .
- I still have Lindt chocolate balls ...though the heat wave melted one lot.I could still suck and lick them off the wrapper.
- Facebook makes me smile - the quick one liners, a brief glimpse into the daily lives of real life and cyber friends and the return comments do you facebook ?
my kids and the funny things they get up to/think up.
Sounds like you've had a great week :)
I really get smiles from your comments on Facebook.
Can you come and do your Saturday treatment here? It has been Monday all week in the housework cycle. That would be the day I don't do as much as I should...
ugh - wee on the floor ;)
Sounds liek a great week - boys love train rides, don't they ?
And because i'm a bit of a sticky beak .. what camera ?
ooh - ignore that q - I just scrolled down - the 1000D
Enjoy your short course and have fun !
Facebook = fun!
My little boy is also obsessed with train rides. He would be happy if we went for ride everyday on the train. Sound like you had a very productive Saturday.
@Bettina- yes kids'doing are so blogable
@Jeanie - FB is fun Cleaning is not but the bunnies were taking over the house.
@h&b - I think it was their first ever train ride and it was either wee ,water or juice ...on the floor I take every precaution JIC.
Yes Canon 1000D and I hope our local community college has photography courses.
@Amanda - more fun than twitter anyway ;0
@Planning Queen - it was a productive Sat for a change ;) and I think we are going to be going on more train rides. All the little boys 5 x 2 yrs and 1 almost 1 yr old loved it.
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