So this is my first post for 2009 , a little late considering 3.5 days or 5050 minutes have elapsed.
What have I done ? not much
I have been blog hopping and reading everyone else's goals, reflections, resolutions, to do and to try and wish lists ...
Alison @ Three times Kewl is choosing to celebrate a happy New day - every day
Lani @ Boo & Me (actaully it is Me and Boo) lists goals which I want to achieve too.
Mountainmama @ Careful what you wish for has some great rules to live by with her own personal commandments
Bettina @Dances to the Beet has Revolutionising Resolutions and anti resolutions and a amazing wish list (to buy, to do , to try and to learn)
Me - I don't know where to start ... I am still ticking things off my November / December good intentions /goals . My 2009 Wish list is in the pipeline .
Though lucky for me I will hopefully be ticking this one off the list
Photography -
still on my undone list but a long term plan is to do a short course next year to learn more - I have to wait for a new camera before I do anything. NOT ! anymore.
So hi ho, hi ho, it is camera shopping I go ...I might just get back in time to sneak in a few Weekly winners.
It's also one post before tomorrow. Now that's kewl.
Happy camera shopping! What fun!!
(And of course, happy new day:-)
Tomorrow's the first Monday of 2009 ;)
woohoo, can't wait to see the pics from your new camera :)
VERY excited about your new camera! Can't wait to see your new pics.
I'm pretty blase on the NY resolutions. I do, however, wish peaceful, healthy and happy new years to all my friends.
Noice camera :-) You can throw away the goals, resolutions and to do lists because you're going to be too busy with your new camera for anything else!
@Alison - happy new day I love it and I am teaching my boys to say it.It's a great motivator.
@Jayne - indeed it is so many firsts this week.
@Jeanette - I am hoping to learn more from you lots on shooting moving targets ...of course I mean with the camera.
@Fe - never been brave enough to spend the money or invest the time to year , new day, new start - new skills hopefully.
@Lani - indeed I can see it already. My boys are going to start running when they see me get it out.
Your first pics with the new camera look great!! There you go, first thing off your wish list for this year.
Thanks for the link (could I possibly get you to update it to my new blog? thanks)
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