It's Saturday and another week has flown.
I am smiling because ...
- I have been meeting my personal challenge of walking 10000 steps per day and I am 130,000 on the way to my first million .In fact today I am starting my virtual Northern Territory Outback Adventure walking the Larapinta Trail. Would you like to join me ? I am enjoying walking every day because it is easy, free and relaxing.
- My Rose garden is in full bloom and the scent of flowers in the house is very calming -lucky it only makes my heart sing ...because I can't a tune LOL I don't even sing in the shower.
Did you know certain scents stimulate the production of the relaxing chemical serotonin in the brain.
- I got this award from C .

- Here is the explanation she gave on her blog: "To translate the gift from Portuguese to English, it means: 'This blog invests and believes, the proximity' (meaning, that blogging makes us ‘close’ -being close through proxy) “They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate? Then let’s try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text."
- Please keep Chris in your prayers .She is 26weeks pregnant .She has now been airlifted to a major hospital to keep Junior hanging in there. So far all is well.Her DH is updating.
- Yesterday I got spoilt and I nabbed a bargain deal on new tops.
- Today is start on NABLOPOMO ...wish me luck
- I don't have to cook dinner tonight because we are off to my BIL's 50th Birthday. The Brothers will come for a short while and then my Mum is minding them.
- Well I can smile and that it one of life's greatest pleasures and gifts... It relaxes the major facial muscles and sets off an emotional chain reaction that helps you and others feel good too.
- U.O.U the best.So do something nice for yourself.
- Watch a sunrise at least once a year.It is no coincidence that serious yogis, martial artists and religious orders treat the sunrise as one of most important and precious in the day.
- Compliment 3 people every day ... hopefully the good feelings that flow will be as much yours the recipients'.
Love the 2nd piece of advice!!
Well done with all the walking
Well done! I'd love to join you in your walking. I'm feeling very bleuch after a week of eating and flying and working..... but no proper exercise.
I'll let you know how I go!
And I love you advice.. I mean assvice! xxx
If you want to climb steps, come to Waterloo and climb on the Lion Hill ! There are 253 steps to add to your account, lol ! and congratulations to your award !
You inspired me to join NaBloPoMo... but I don't know if I can keep up with you! lol
Good luck with your NaBloPoMo. I will be reading for days when I return from overseas with so many of you doing it!
You have so many smiles this week... and that made me smile!
Congrats on the walking. I so wish I would get inspired to do that. You must feel so much better and be very proud of that accomplishment.
Love your advice.
There is something magical about seeing the sun rise, don't you think.
WHat a great idea about the virtual walk - love to join you but not quite yet!
I'd be smiling too! Good on your for doing the steps, the award and everything else! love the advice too, esp the third one! Have added you to the NaBloPoMo blogroll on WTBAY. Good luck!
Such great and simple advice Trish. I need to act on it!
Great job with the walking, Trish!
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