I found this advice in an old magazine. The article was titled
Q :what's the best advice you've ever received
one answer was ...
"A day without spoiling yourself is a day spoiled"
So ...Today, I got three hours to myself when my dear Mum came to babysit the double trouble Brothers ...It's true. Well she did and they have been double trouble (but heaps of fun... when I finish pulling my grey hairs out I will blog about them more)
I saw a blog named the Double trouble twins ... 'be careful what you wish for' I want to tell her ...assvice ?
Maybe she already knows more than I do. They are the cutest little fellows .
The Brothers have been very full on the last few weeks... I read all the twins books I could lay my hands on but they haven't read them yet either and they won't sit still long enough for me to read the books to them!
Sorry ... how was I spoilt ?
I got a superb head massage, my hair washed, cut and blow dried plus it came with a surprise ...a delicious complimentary chocolate and cappuccino. No photos .. (sorry no one to take photos because Mum had
I got a wax and polish as well ... I don't have to worry about Movember now or scaring any kiddies tonight with my bushy eyebrows . Plus, no more stuffing falling out from under my arms.

Assvice ? so do you get it ?
I am considering doing NaBloPoMo with a theme. ADVICE and ASSVICE . I'll have to see how I go ...please go dig out your best advice and worse assvice. I be asking for your input.
"If you start the day with a negative thought immediately replace it with two positive ones"

Pps - when I upload to flickr to make a mosiac it makes my pictures all grainy . Any advice ?
Ppps - when you plan to enter a competition - don't put it off
Jen @Semantically driven has been running a competition - you had better be quick -
What you need to do to win it:
- Write about why you would like to win it on your blog. It doesn’t have to be a long entry. Make it funny, add pictures. Do what you like, so long as it conveys why you want this phone.
- Link to my blog - http://semanticallydriven.com within your entry.
- Leave a comment on this post so I know that you’ve entered.
- Do this by the witching hour on Friday 31 October (midnight on 31 October in case I’m muddled about what the witching hour is).
- why do I want to win ...
because the Brothers keep stealing my phone and I love the camera feature ... plus I would be really spoilt would not I ? My current phone doesn't have a key lock either. Nuff said !

They may be crazy active and curious but they sure are adorable. I did not know they had Targets in Australia, cool, great deal. Good for you for getting out and spending time just on you, the person, not you, the mom, wife etc.
Hugs my friend.
Well done Trish thats the best advice anyone could give. You have to take care of you before you can take care of others. There is nothing like a haircut to make a girl feel on top of the world and bargain tops too - well done. I love Target, one of my favourites. They also have great kids clothes too! I bet your mother had fun as well with the boys. They are getting more handsome every day.
Lucky you to spend some time treating yourself :-) I love getting a hair cut, it makes me feel all new and pampered. Wish we had Target here!
I'm very impressed that you're going to theme the NAMoPlo thing! Wow!
@Janice - yes Target is great here. I love it.
@Gill - so do i but I hate spending the money on a trim
@Lilly - yes u.o.u the best ...does that make sense because noone else cares as much as you about you
@Jeanette - as they say I am am full of it.Plus it's my intention - see how I go.
Your boys are marvelous!! double trouble = Twice the pleasure... (that usually comes when they're sleeping and you're usually too busy getting stuff done to notice.. lol)
Well, hey, I'm on NABLOPOMO too Trish, that's how I found you...so good luck!
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