It wasn't the best week for smiles but I still had plenty to smile about despite our cat dying after being bitten by brown snake and having to say goodbye temporarily to her seven @ 9 day old kittens.
The Acts of Random Kindness that led us to find another lactating mother cat for them touched me beyond measure. It reaffirmed for me that people care about animals and will go the extra mile to rescue them. So many good and kind people crossed my path.
Also, that mother nature and the animal world is just as amazing. Pickles , the cat I salute you too for adopting my seven tiny kittens.
I visited my special friends, Tiff , Ivy,Noah & the big kids for a short while .That was a day full of smiles.
I smiled when my two year old son, S upon watching me syringe feeding the kittens and telling him their mummy was gone , sat on the floor stroking them so gently as they meowed ..."alwight, alwight" over and over ...oh my stars that was so sweet and heart melting when I was feeling so overwhelmed and sad.
I smiled when my other two year old son , J , wrapped his arms around my neck and said 'I Luv you'...many times this week.
I smiled the day I was sick , after they both hadn't seen me for a few hours they greeted me so excitedly and jumped into bed to cuddle up to me as if I had been gone for days. Such precious moments I wish I could capture forever.
I started to finally catch up on a few of my favourite (100 +) reads and was moved my this guest post from Jeanette Mayhew on JLo's blog .
In light of the acts of random kindness I received. I loved what Jeanette wrote ..
I also found this awesome website The A.R.K Movement.The Simplest Acts of Random Kindness (A.R.K)Build one! :)
SmileLaughSay hello
Help for no reason
Embrace with a look
Hug with your words
Listen and actually hear
Make eye contact (but do not stare)
Don't argue even when you are right
Leave encouraging, anonymous notes
Wave at a total stranger just because
Laugh for no reason at all (it's contagious)
Turn the texting off and make an actual call
Pay for the coffee for the person behind you in line
Look at yourself in the mirror and say Thank you
Buy a bag of groceries and give it to a family in need
Hold on to your opinion and encourage another person's
Let a child teach you something (even if you alreay know)
Share your umbrella... even if it means you are left in the rain.
Tell your spouse at least one thing that makes you fall in love with them all over againSay please and thank you as you tell the Deli person what you want on your sandwich~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I feel even more motivated to keep the kindness moving ... what can you do ?
November IComLeavWe begins today! -International Comment leaving week is hosted by Mel at Stirrup Queens. Read my story HERE
Advice of the Day
- Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." ~ Scott Adams
- Make the world a better place by practicing acts of kindness - one A.R.K. at a time ...soon we will all be sailing.
- Loving will never empty your heart and giving A.R.K. will never empty your pockets.
- Don't forget to visit Lightening for more Smiley Saturday posts.
Isn't it fabulous when kindness surprises you in the very best way?
Lots to smile about this week. Funny how things seem to all balance out in the end.
Despite the sadness this week, what a wonderful bunch of smiles you've had :-)
It's lovely when you can take the rubbish of life and treasure the good.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Im sharing all of them with my friend (whom I saw tonight) and she feels so touched. I will be following your blog from now on!
Wow. What a week you've had. I'm glad you found a lactating cat to help feed the kitties. That must be a relief.
Thank you so much for sharing such adoring lovely smiles with us all. The beautiful thing about smiles and that they can be contagious ... especially genuine ones. :)
You may most certainly use my writing(I caught the message on JLO's blog. ) I did write the poem as well as the ARK tree. May you continue to be blessed as you "pay it forward". :) You are quite the treasure yourself and I am glad to have the chance to get to know you. :) Have a tender Sunday. :)
and as my mommy always says:
"Keep a song in your heart, a dance at your feet, a smile on your face because YOU make this world a better place. Remember He made you for this day with purpose and love."
Love the quote from Scott Adams. So glad you had reasons to smile, even though there were some sad happenings this week. :)
There is always a reason to be grateful - we need to focus on them!
Love the list - random kindness can brighten a day!
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