I have been so busy doing housework, playing with S & J , gardening, doctors appointments and checkups and other mundane stuff I have hardly had a chance to think about blogging. I have weaned myself from the Internet. I hardly noticed the withdrawal.It feels good to be released but also sad. I am sorry I haven't been around to visit you all. I miss you.
Good news ... J's congenital developmental dysplasia of his hips got the all clear after xrays Tuesday.We go back again in 3 yrs for a final checkup but the specialist was confident no further treatment will be required. J also had a renal ultrasound, the results we won't get for two weeks. He has another scan to check for any scarring and kidney function next week. His last scan showed 65% right kidney /35% function for left kidney (meant to add to 100).
Poor J was unwell all week with high temperatures , and some vomiting too. The teen, D was also also home 4 days from school unwell with virus.S, thank fully was sparred.
The days have been so beautiful and spring will be sprung in just over 2 weeks. It has only been a mild winter. So I have been weeding the garden because I want it in good shape for Charlotte's anniversary (1st September) . I love being in her garden.Of course I need none of this to remember that my daughter died, but sometimes I like the feeling of tending to her roses, weeding and having something physical to look at.
Our new neighbours will move in this weekend so for the first time in 8 years (4 years here) we will have close
I know a few people who know me in real life read my blog and I have no problems with this. I have always been 100% honest.Sure I exaggerate and play on the funny things in my life - so be it . Maybe some things are too personal to blog and they horrify people but I think sharing personal things allows others to see we make mistakes and we are all dealing with issues that cause us distress.
No-one is perfect and it has helped me to read other blogs. To relate to their grief and loss journeys, marital stress, teenage/parent relationships problems and even the joys and challenges of raising twins or just two adventurous toddlers. The truth sets us free from worrying and it helps to know we are not alone. Yes, there are people with far more serious problems, and we all have issues to deal with. I suppose this blog is my little corner I use to express my frustrations and the fun I have with my life experiences.
The feeling of isolation many stay at home mothers (and fathers) feel is lessened with the burdens shared and joys celebrated.Not that I blog all of my feelings , far from it, I hold back on a lot of things but at least others can be open too. It’s supplementary support, in good times and in bad times 24/7 that some real life friends came bring.
I have said it before Internet friends can’t replace your community of real life friends, but they can add to it. Using it with compassion to reach out in friendship, then that’s what you’ll get in return. That is very real. Sometimes you might elicit nods of recognition, virtual hugs of understanding and offers of support and perhaps the occasional softly-spoken disapproval.
Just so you know things on the home front are improving but I don't want to talk about it here at the moment.
PS I haven't even had time to think about starting a new blog ...
I am glad things are improving and glad you are getting your garden all ready. Sorry about the sickness going on!! Havr fun with the new neighbors :)
You sound like you are doing better and I am glad. I am learning how therapeutic the blogging community can be...you are so right about that.
Glad to know that things are getting better on your side. Yes, we have to say it, sometimes even just to ourselves, to ease out some pains, frustrations, hang-ups......
Keep on blogging.
Have a great weekend.
Nice to see you blogging.
Glad you have managed to get the garden in order for Charlotte's anniversary.
Hope everyone gets over their illnesses quickly.
Take Care
Good to hear from you again (((hugs))) :)
Glad you are ok.
Hope everyone is completely well again soon.
continued best wishes Trish.
Well you sound a little moe settled, hope it feels like that for you. As for our competition on www.2goodsorts.blogspot.com it is any type of drawer dividers. Good luck
Sally Ann
You've been on my mind ans in my heart. I want things to work out so that you are content and happy. 2 people relationships are hard and then add a teen and 2 toddlers~YOICKS. My prayers are for all of you. I can't be there in real life but I'm there. Love and HUGGLES. Hug those toddler sweeties for me as well.
I'm not surprised that you haven't had much time for blogging lately since you've surely got your hands full taking care of your two little ones.
So glad to hear you got good news back on J from the doctor. I hope you will hear good news from the ultrasound as well.
Keep tending to Charlotte's garden, I know it must be healing for you. I enjoy going through the memory box and spending time looking at the ultrasounds and things we had for Andrew every once in awhile. It's good for the soul to remember that love and to continue on in the healing process.
Well, this has been quite a long comment, sorry! I'll wrap it up now. :)
I hope things keep looking up for you Trish. Am still praying for you. :)
I think the garden is your chance to honour Charlotte which is why it gives you such release.
Good luck on good neighbours and good paths forward. I too have been awol of late.
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