Wednesday 21 May 2008

Wordless Wednesday - A blog of his own

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La Mama Naturale' said...

What an adorable shot! Too funny! Cute. Happy WW!

Cecily R said...

Now THAT is a cute kid...I'd love to really be able to read what's going on in their heads!!!

Anonymous said...

How lovely. Does he have a blog niche? Looks like it may be humor judging by the smile on his face :-)

SandyCarlson said...

They start younger and younger!

What a doll.

Anonymous said...


Hagar's Daughter said...

this picture is priceless...happy ww!

Anonymous said...

That is so gorgeous.
He'll probably be a millionaire by the time he's 17.

~And keep Mum in style, of course!
(that's my plan here, too)

Anonymous said...

bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa!

What an adorable widdle face. So mischievous. He is totally typing the word 'FART'.

Anonymous said...

Oh now that is just too cute!

Anonymous said...

Awww. of course he wants a blog of his own!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

thanks lamamanaturale - it was totally spur of the moment at 12.30pm (Australian time)

Cecily R: thanks - oh so would I love to know.

Sue : he is very funny and cheeky already

Thanks Sandy; he has grown up in front of the computer LOL and know how much Mummy loves it

Tiff & Hagar's daughter :thank you

Jane: I can't wait ... a good plan indeed

Kelley: probably LOL the little devil has heard a few *&^%# words -we'll be in trouble when he can repeat.

thanks Kate

Susie : not just a blog a whole computer of his won ... MINE is his new favourite word.

Anonymous said...

LOL he's SOOO CUTE! Love those little feet - and that bright smile!

Anonymous said...

When I publish this novel, you'll never have to work again mom!

Cassie said...

How cute! Future Bill Gates?

Unknown said...

hehehe that is cute!

Come check out our ball park fun!

jams o donnell said...

Aww so cute! It's never too late to start blogging!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love it - he's so adorable! I'm verrrry interested in reading the blog of a twin toddler :)

Unknown said...

What's he gonna call it? How 'bout "Cute As A Button" blog!?

Jenni said...

i love seeing/hearing about your little boys. My baby bear is 16months, so just barely ('bear'ly?!) younger than they are, and does so many of the same things.
For example, he ADORES the dogs meaty bites. Seriously, nothing with tempt him away from them. I've finally accepted fate and I just let him eat them. :-o

Raven said...

What a sweetie! He probably already knows more about computers than I do. Great photo.

Unknown said...

what a cutie! Future blogger of the year!

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

This is sooooo cute! I have my Abigail at 6months "blogging" as my screen saver!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon.


Ladynred said...

That's really cute! He's happy.

Anonymous said...

Aw, that is TOO cute!

Happy WW :)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

That is adorable! My sons are both ENAMORED with my laptop. I bought them a play one of their own but its just not the same!

Unknown said...

Sooooooooo cute!!!

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