Here are a few ways to turn a box (or two or three) into even better toys. Great for rainy and cold days.
My boys like empty boxes and containers to open and close.They also like to sit in boxes and tubs.
Cardboard boxes are so much fun. Your imagination and the sky is the limit. Supermarkets are a great place to find large boxes or your local electrical/white goods retailer.
Over the years I have made a few of these things with my eldest now almost 15yrs. Most of the things I did with him pre date the digital camera and blogging LOL
1. Car Garage ( cut a flap for garage door or two doors)
2. Putt Putt golf house / Marble shoot (cut round or arch shaped holes)
3. Drums (up end and bang away with wooden spoon or real drum sticks) or Box Guitar
4. Bean bag / Ball toss (seal box and make a suitable size hole )
5. Cubby House (we used a huge fridge box and stove another time when D was little and it lasted for months - We cut windows in the sides, we made a door that opened and closed. We taped the ends for sturdiness. We then decorated the entire outside)
6. Boat / Train / Firetruck any vehicle and any thing goes (train - by chaining together three or four smaller boxes. Shoeboxes for carriages poke holes and join with string -add a long string to the front of the train, drop in some favourite toys and let your child pull his train and cargo around the house).
7. Dodgem car (like the firetruck for school Easter parade -we painted and used rope to hold over the shoulders - Paint or draw headlights on the front of the car/cellophane, cut a cardboard circle out or use paper plates and paint it black for wheels and the steering wheel. Don't forget to draw doors)
8. Animal Barn
9. Kitchen ( this one is very advanced LOL)
10. Soccer goal
11. Box buildings and box town or maybe an enchanted castle
12. Rocket ship (copy this anything goes)
13. Aeroplane (just waiting to try this out) and one more because I don't like odd numbers (or no.13)
14. Finger Puppet theatre
Older kids still enjoy using boxes to make dioramamas. I remember playing with boxes when I was a child.
Can you remember playing with boxes when you were a child or when you had toddlers / preschoolers? What treasures did you make out of boxes?
That kitchen is amazing! What a great list. Cheaper, environmentally friendly, and no BPA worries...a cardboard box is the perfect toy. There's a book on this as well.
Your blog is so cute! My son loves cardboard boxes (or anything non-toy), too. And your boys are precious.
Love all of the things you have created with "just" a box! We love boxes here, too, and I think we have made just about everything on your list. A few years ago we got a new TV and it came in a HUGE box, so the kids made it into a clubhouse. They loved it!
Thanks for your comments on TT. I agree with your comment, "when we feel troubled we should consider how blessed we really are compared to our brothers and sisters in China/Burma and the likes facing such awful disasters." How true!
And, as I have several friends fighting for their lives due to cancer, I again look at my life and thank God at how blessed I am. When I am tempted to wallow in my own petty problems, I need to get a bigger picture!!!!!!
Many blessings to you and your sweet family!
Our boxes are pretty much always boats, but now my son has started ripping them apart and making art projects out of the cardboard.
Boxes are some of the best play items ever created, they have so much potential and you showcased some great ones here.
Happy TT, hope you'll visit my 33rd TT...Fragments of Life at The Cafe.
I loved boxes when I was a kid too.
cute thursday thirteen!
If the box is at my house it has one or more of these items: books, children or the cat. Happy TT.
oh boxes are cool.. even at four the girls still enjoy them!
Oh and I tagged you for a me me today!
Kids and boxes... Great TT. :)
I love cardboard boxes. My littlest one is currently using one for a spaceship.
My T13 is up, as well. Scroll down past the first post.
My toddler and preschool have spend most of the week hanging out in nappy boxes. They have been swapping between making them a car and then a cot for themselves. A great list here for other things for them to do.
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