Saturday 17 May 2008

Smiley Saturday

Today, (all day) I was wondering why there were no comments (I could see the visitors changing) ...paranoia sets in sense of humour is warped and everyone has deserted me (as opposed to desserted ...which is stressed spelt backwards)

By 10.30pm ... my a'ha moment !

By gosh I feel like a regular drongo ... a spammer started spamming my posts last night so I quickly put comment moderation on. I hate word verification with a passion now after Google put it on my posts so every time I tried to publish or even save I had to decipher their jibberish letters.

On with the show -I mean

So why I am smiling ...

I finally caught up on a few chores today ... I won't bore you with them all. I did hack trim the roses bushes - though one stem was about 10ft high.I didn't bleed much.

  • Actually all this week I managed get off my computer chair to be domestic Godess. M even commented tonight ...

"So what happened ? Is your blog thing or computer broken or something ?"

He noticed I haven't been on as much ...and was impressed. Little does he know how organised I am getting. More on that next week.

  • I am joining Lightening's Smiley Saturday swap again - I had a lot of fun last time. This time it is for stickers so internationals can join in too.

  • Lots of other things made me smile ... the way bloggers support and comfort each other - far too many to list and I don't want to leave anyone out.
  • My cherubs are finally starting to talk a little and it has been fun hearing a few new words and actions - they know the one for "stinky" (as in nappies).
  • Guess what I found there is a LOLdogs site - so cute

see more dog pictures

see more dog pictures

  • Moments ago ... I thought I wonder if there is a LOLkids ... yes there is - another brilliant idea I didn't have early enough LOL.

  • Our Tax was submitted (not smiling about the business tax bill) but I will get a small refund.
Don't forget to visit Lightening for more Smiley Saturday.

Coming up this week I have some brilliant steals finds and fun stuff to share.

Before I go to bed ...tell me do you prefer comment moderation or word verification ? I need to work out a poll tomorrow ! I promise tomorrow to publish the comments quicker. My apologies.

Never miss a post


Anonymous said...

I have no probs putting in one of those codes to show I am human. My only concern with moderation is that it can slow down discussion - but maybe that is just me because when I did briefly have it on, I kept forgetting to moderate the comments!

WCannie said...

Oooh, lots of nice things to smile about. I couldn't agree more about how wonderful fellow bloggers are and I think that is the appeal of blogging, all the great folks you get to meet and interact with.

Personally, I don't like either moderation or those word things. But I guess I'd opt for the words.

Writer chick

Anonymous said...

I prefer comment moderation. I hate typing those letter!!

I love these pictures... glad you're doing well!

storyteller said...

How cool that you're getting organized and have lots to smile about. I'm participating in Smiley Saturday at Small Reflections today, but am skipping the sticker exchange. Thanks for the link to Lol-dogs ... I'll definitely check that one out! Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Word verification is EVIL. Much prefer comment moderation which funnily enough is the option I went with after I got spammed one time too many.

Love the lolkids site. Thanks for the link.

Jayne said...

Those are great!
Well done on not ripping yourself to shreds with the rose bushes ;)
Word verification or comment moderation - whatever works best for you, Trish ;)

jeanie said...

I NEED your domestic goddess tips!!!

I really don't mind moderation or verification. I use verification and I don't think it affects how many people do or don't comment.

If I am moved to comment, the only thing that would stop me is if I looked too stupid, there are over 80 comments already, the blogger ignores you or puts you down or if I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

However, I don't always comment because I love too many blogs, if you know what I mean...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful smiley moments !!!

I have joined in on the swap too. It is my first.

Word verification for discussion purposes probably. But no matter to me. I will comment either way.

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