Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Wordless Wednesday -Why it's better to be the Boss

A n y q u e s t i o n s ?

Ps... Of course I am the B o s s !


frog ponds rock... said...

Great picture Trish..

cheers Kim

Alison said...

Hahahaha. I've seen that before and still, it cracks me up.

just jamie said...

That's pretty stinkin' funny.

jeanie said...

Ew - why do I feel I need a shower? lol

Will give you my link.

Anonymous said...

ROFL... love that!!

Anonymous said...

lolol! great pic

BB said...

Trish... made us laugh!!! Yuck!!! I have linked to the best of my very limited ability... am I s'posed to be in theme? I am so not... ah well. Greenhorn all the way!!!

Indrani said...

I have seen this before and am still laughing hahaha... stinking funny.

lareine said...

this is so true... the lower your rank is, the more crap you get :)

Not Afraid to Use It said...

Truer words have never been spoken.

And a big raspberry to Jason the Jerk. I missed that somehow. Really, what a jerk!!

Ingrid said...

I agree, hahaha !

Firefighter said...

Nice very nice, love it!

jams o donnell said...

Haha Good one! I've been on that bottom rung and it ain't fun! Happy WW.

A second big raspberry to Jason the Jerk,. The likes of him really do spoil the internet

Camera Totin' Idiot said...

How true!

Lulu said...

I am the boss in my house too! hehehehe!

Cute! Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by again Trish!

Tanya Breese said...

Hee hee, sometimes I feel like those poor birds on the bottom lol...happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA. I printed it out in color and put it on my office door!

Anonymous said...

Ah. It's all making sense now. I think I need to find a new perch to sit on...

Jientje said...

Hehehehe, ewwwww, still, it's a good one!

Dana said...

LOL LOL.... Great pic..

Happy WW

Paula said...

Thats hilarious! My boss always says...S*#t runs downhill hehe.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...


Karen said...

I'm definitely not the boss LOL Thanks for the giggles!

Have a great day!

abie said...

nice picture...and it is a statement of fact. lol.

thanks for checking out my entries too.

Happy WW!

Eds said...

eww!this is hilarious! ahha

Natalie said...

Oh. My. Gosh. LOL!

Gabriel said...

Great picture! It's so true... LOL

Here is my post for yesterday, and here the one for today; and here is my "Where were you" game. Do you want to play?

Have a great day!

Ladynred said...

That's great and very funny!

Unknown said...

I think I'm on the bottom. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,
Thanks for calling by! I totally agree with this picture.
Cheers, Jane

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