You can look but don't touch. I have to share my Dh first ...

"...love suffers long, and is kind..." 1 Cor. 13:4
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ
Jesus." Phil. 4:19
Love indeed suffers long and is kind... My husband that is him all over.
I can honestly say he does put my needs above his own most of the time.
At the lowest and worst times in my life he has been there - my rock and to steady me.
When I was labour giving birth to our stillborn daughter he sat beside me on a plain old hard chair all night and held me.When he had hardly slept for 2 days.
Then he did this for me one day recently
Okay ...Tonight I did raise my voice a bit once ... nothing he did though - he was helping me find something
G ... years. I guess I have a lot to thank her for
He sounds like a wonderful husband and friend - you are lucky!!
Nice to see you today - thanks for coming by. Hope you are well. See you soon - Kellan
thanks Kellan - he is my best friend
I always love to hear the stories of couples who are stronger after losses. So many couples break up. I'm happy to see you and your hubby are still a team.
it's nice when your partner is also your best friend. :)
He sounds like a great guy! Great job!
I am VERY impressed. Can I send my DH for lessons? LOL!
Thanks for the comment on my blog! The cow print nap was from Snazzipants. Not sure if they are still making that one, but you may be able to pick one up on TradeMe (www.trademe.co.nz) as they do sometimes have 2nd hand ones or one off lines. :-)
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