March 9 -16th I've got so much to catch you up on , memes I've been tagged for, award receiving and gifting ! Seriously - there are so many things I want to talk and tell you about but since it is Sunday my favourite day of the week -it's time for Weekly Winners instead.Hosted with thanks to Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom My new glasses are pretty kewl !

Tubbin' with the Turtles

at 20 months

hmm some privacy would be nice

dreams of playing drums (in church)

blue eyed dreams

where are my keys ... of course

Angel in garden


Pick me up !

Remember anyone can join in.
Also, please visit other Weekly Winners over at Lotus's - you won't be disappointed and we all love comments.♥
What a cutie! Love the new glasses. :) One of my boys is a drummer, too. It's a very *loud* talent. LOL.
Still loving the sweet boy behind the glasses (and his brother too).
Gorgeous, as always.
Love the colours of the shots. They really complement the boys' fair complexion.
heheheeh you have made me smile .. thanks trish..
cheers kim..
Lovely shots of some adorable kiddos!
Your son is adorable. I love the turtles in the tub.
When did the glasses happen? :P Now we sure have a way to tell the boys apart! Hmm...fave this week: Angel in the Garden, and tubby baby!
More awards?? Wow!
I love the one with the new glasses. :)
What a cutie! He's very handsome in his new glasses!
I like the turtle one too!
Lovely pictures this week! Bath time at your house looks like a lot of fun!
Such an active little one! Great photos. :)
All so very, very cute! I love the "blue eyed dreams" picture and caption.
I love your pics this week, Trish!! Glasses are tres cool, too. :D
Nice glasses!
Now, be honest, do you really put your keys away every time? ;-)
very cool glasses! I just love kids in glasses! And a drummer. Now thats a kid after my own heart!
very cool glasses! I just love kids in glasses! And a drummer. Now thats a kid after my own heart!
Love the new glasses. He looks really sweet.
Just Because
what fun pictures! My favorite was the turtles in the tub.
Those glasses are very cute! And those turtles!! I want!!
And the angel is very pretty with the roses behind it.
I love those faces...glasses, blue eyes, cute.
Love the blue eyes:)
He looks adorable in his glasses!
Catch! I've flung some blog bling your way :smile:
Great pictures. Love the little drummer.
Wonderful photos!! :)
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