Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Be careful she might hear you...

... or Funny things kids say ?

This morning I took the Brothers to the playgroup held at our local church. It is held in the huge Church 'education' building at the rear. The Church also has an historic sandstone building at the front and an old school house in the middle.

At the end of playgroup the children ride their bikes & trikes outside on the cement paths and around the school house - concrete pathways while the parents have their coffee/tea and cake.

I was checking on J because I couldn't see him and I was worried he might head off down past the old church to the road.I knew he was probably behind the school house slowly 'putting' along on his trike.

A little boy, 2 yrs old, comes past me on his trike .My ears p rick pick up "hey a s s h 0 l e " ... I hear it again ... out of the mouth of a sweet looking little blonde girl (about 4-5) who is following him. She is his sister.

I ask her what she said - just to make sure I heard it right !

She looks me in the eye and bats her eyelids "A s s h 0 l e".

I reply "that's not a very nice word " well for a 4-5 yr old.

The response ..." That's what Mummy calls my Dad all the time 'you a s s h 0 l e' she says "

... What could I say ?

Then off she goes. She comes past me again a minute later ... cups her hand around one side of her mouth and in a half whisper she says

"Don't tell my mum I said a s s h 0 l e" The kid has no manners either how about a please !

Me : I didn't know whether to *gasp* or *snigger*

I resisted the temptation to "dob" to her mum or anyone.Since, I am no 'SAINT' and the good Lord knows the words that leave my lips and the unspoken ones LOL...

P.S.Her mum does not attend the church. I have barely spoken to her.

P.P.S.I am really going to be more careful.Though my teen is certainly teaching the Brothers a few choice words.


Anonymous said...

I love it!

jeanie said...

At tuckshop last year, a 12 year old said some choice words (his choices started with "F.O.Y.S.C" and aimed at a slightly smaller girl) and I pulled him up with a "Stop that, ladies present."

He actually looked around to see where they were! No manners, kids these day!

Anonymous said...

I actually started a swear jar for myslef after I heard my preschooler say the "f" word. I realised I must have been dropping it a little too often. Both she and I have improved since its implementation!

Crazed Nitwit said...

My boys came home one day back when they were in junior high using the C that ryhmes with runt. The word If someone called me it, I would hurt them painfully. I gave them a through lecture and haven't heard it since.

Anonymous said...

Last week my hubby came up behind me in the kitcen and said "You have a nice ass." My little one was in the other room watching tv, but when I came in to tell her breakfast she just looked up at me and said "Nice Ass." Yah, I pretty much fell over.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...


my husband says 'swear jar' every time he hears me - but he hasn't collected yet. oops maybe I should make it something I hate doing.

Melissa Markham said...

We do have to be careful. I curse less than I used too, but still more than I should.

Sarah said...

I've heard my almost three year old utter "**it"...and use it properly!! Yeah, at that point hubby and I agreed we need to watch our language more carefully *lol*

Anonymous said...

That is funny! I would have laughed...

MP said...

That is SO funny! I just mentioned on another post that a s s w h o l e was the first word my step son uttered..then was SO embarrased..but we don't call each other that...I don't know where he picked it up!

Unknown said...

LMAO! At least she knew it was a bad word. Not that it made a difference really!

just jamie said...

Yikes. Guess I better come up with a new name for my husband. Just kidding.

Laura said...

my first daycare job was at a christian center. I heard more profanities out of those preschoolers mouths than I have at any of my childcare jobs! or maybe I just noticed more since one would assume that Christians would have tamer tongues!

Tripletblessed said...

As much as I vow on a daily basis to watch my mouth I have to correct myself at least twice a day!

~ej said...

lol, that's so funny....bet her mum would be embarrassed!!

*i found my way here via scribbit btw*

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