Today, in my Google reader I had 80 posts . I started, genuinely, reading them all while nursing my little ones (one at a time) down to nap.
I was feeling a little down about my lack of time to get things done and trying to make medical appointments for my sons, then being left on hold - only to have to leave a message.The Children's Hosp outpatient's clinics never call you back. Frustration at lots of things . It is no coincidence that ...
I came across a link on Louise's site @ My Journey to Eliminate Debt. (Louise, has very interesting site and will even try to answer questions or find them for you - quickly too) .
I have had some difficulties in my life but nothing compared to the Hoyt's. Louise quotes the famous
"Life is not always a bed of roses"I know roses come with thorns ... and they hurt.
Life is a mix of good times and bad times. The good times speak for themselves but without sad moments happy ones wouldn't be realised. We have to have rain to see the rainbows and appreciate the sunshine. I have learnt that in the hard times of stress, failure, disappointments and loss, we must not give up.I got my Christmas wish-Amy Grant's book Mosiac .She wrote a brief chapter on loss but these four little words.
are a reminder that we must be determined not to give up.When things seem insurmountable, I keep my faith in God. At the close of every day there comes a darkness then there is a morning filled with lots of light.
If you want to feel inspired I seriously urge you to look at this link and then view the inspirational you tube video of this amazing Dad, D.ick Hoyt . D.ick, unfit and in his 30's started competing in major triathlon events with his severely disabled son, Rick... including towing him in a dinghy while he swam the swim leg. D.ick was determined to give his son the feeling 'he wasn't disabled anymore'.
*Kleenex warning ... my eyes were puddling up and overflowing by the end of the video... mostly for the joy. You need to read the story first.

Ps .. one hour is just not a long enough nap S & J . *sighhhhh*
This too shall pass....
I needed that last night. But tonight will do.
And that video. I didn't watch it. I know it off by heart. It inspires me everyday with my Boo.
Wonderful post babe.
Just found your blog via Aussie Bloggers Forum and I'm addicted :)
WOW.. powerful post! Thanks for sharing
A beautiful post. And exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes I wonder if I'm having any influence at all as a parent. I just need to remember that my influence isn't always readily seen, but will be evident throughout life nevertheless.
Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful post!!! I have seen this father and son before, but I had never seen this video!! I have never seen anything like it!!! I am still in tears and truly believe that father and the special boy have a special place in heaven one day - that father he is unbelievable!!! Can you imagine? Thank you for this! See you soon. Kellan
Trish, just been catching up with your blog since being offline all that time. I am slowly rebuilding my email address book and favourites. When you get a moment, can you please drop me a line so I can add your email address in again? Thanks.
I love to be reminded of this father and his love for his child it definitly puts things in prospective so thanks.
Hope the 1 hour nap phase passes for you quickly mine have been really good at napping at least an hour and a half lately (knock on wood) even have one that can nap 3 hours! Woohooo!
Hi Trish, I've just caught up with your last few posts. Where do I begin? I love the photos. Those two are quite the little characters! DS: what can I say? My daughter is 10, and I fear a future similar to yours! I'm pleased that you and DH are supporting each other in this. United, you are strong! As you said, this too shall pass. Plenty of food for thought in these posts, thank you xo
Thanks Trish that Video was pretty special cheers kim
That was a beautiful post.
Thank you.
I SO needed that this morning.
I am so behind in my replies ... this too will pass I need to tattoo this ...err if I was ever to get one.
Kelley - I read that post ... Boo is one lucky kiddo.
Jayne- I just found your many blogs too- I like the history one.
Cher - I was inspired - you can share it too.
Magirk - so true you sound a wonderful influence from my visits to your blog.
Kellan - I was in tears too. I agree they are a special team.
Wendy - yes thanks for the return encouragement to me.
Melbo - done !
Tripletblessed - they do nap longer most days - thank God really !
Tracey - thank you too - for your encouragement. Yes, we try but it isn't easy when they play you one off each other.
Kim - I thought so too. Makes me thankful too that my son is okay but also ticks me off when he doesn't appreciate his talents and blessings.
Tiff- yes I know my friend ... I wrote this for all of us going through trials and the burning ring of fire.
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