So friends , Australians, international country men and friends I know not yet lend me your ears . I am a 5th generation Australian -though I acknowledge others are much more Australian than me.
I wanted to share this song . I have seen it on a few blogs today no doubt you have heard it before. This song always makes me smile and sing along.
I did my post about Australia day - here .
The greatest thing for me in Australia is mateship - well I say friendship and this last week I had a lovely visit from a few friends ... Tiff and her children from Three Ring Circus .The kids made me smile with their exuberance , happy go lucky attitude, the kind way they treated each other and their impeccable manners . Noah & Ivy made me smile with a special kiss and hug goodbye. Thanks matey we had a beaut day ! I have been smiling all week.
*Another shameless plug warning* - we are still on Top Momma so please keep clicking - and keep me smiling.

Update - Lyrics for the sing a long to the song have been posted at Mad Goat lady - another favourite Aussie Blog Mate .
We sing this song at school with the children and I love it. I think this should be our national anthem :)
Happy Australia Day!
Thanks Trish, we had a wonderful day...even though Ivy had the cranks for most of it...reminds me I'll have to email you some photos.
Thanks so much for the plug!!! :) Voted again for you on Top Momma. You are doing SOOOOO well. Which doesn't surprise me with that adorable pic. Have you found it's generated a good amount of traffic for you?
Doh, left this comment this morning but it didn't go through....oops. Sorry.
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