Think about them one at a time BEFORE going on to the next one...
then write your own.
1. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
2. A hot shower & hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
3. A smile from a baby or small child.
4. Getting snail mail or a card from a friend .
5. Watching a sunset with someone you love
6. Listening to a baby giggling over nothing.
7. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
8. Hearing your favourite song on the radio.
9. Watching the expression on some one's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
10. Having someone brush or play with your hair.
11. Chocolate milkshake ... (or vanilla ... or strawberry!) or Hot chocolate in winter or just chocolate.
12. A bubble bath.
13. Walking on the beach
14. Finding a 20 dollar note in your pocket you didn't know was there.
Ahh, lovely...
Happy tt
did you mention having a l hour massage....
That is a great list. I agree with just about everything on there :)
I love #1
The one I love is the shower, and warm towel! WOO HOO! Or buy a waring towel rack!
Awesome list! It's always the little, simple things, isn't it?
Happy TT! I love your list. :)
Trish, I love this list!! I just had a hot shower... FEELS GREAT!!!
love snail mail
think I'll go send some
You DEF have some great ones here. The snail mail thing is dead on. As much of a computer geek as I am, there is nothing like finding a letter in the post box.
This is a terrific list. Every single one made me smile.
In order to facilitate getting-to-know a few new blogs I've come across by way of NaBloPoMo, I've tagged you for a meme. You, obviously, don't have to do it if you don't want.
I found you via Top Momma-I'm the THIS MOMMY HAS TATTOOS BOX . I had to check out the twin boys- my hubbies dream. If you follow my link you'll see it's just a memory now, 4 girls ! :)
How about someone sneezing so hard they fart? My kids have done that one, and it is a hoot!
I am up too
Great list number 3 is one of the besr feelings in the world Happy TT
I really like your 13! Very refreshing... Your list made me smile :)
<3, Amy in AZ
What a great list! This shows that the small things really do count. :o)
I totally agree with #10!! I love it when people play with my hair. It gives me goosebumps.
Seeing my hubby laugh, that's my natural high....whether I'm laughing already or not, seeing him laugh will get me going, or get me going worse!
I so agree with them all!
Any of those 13 would be nice today.
Happy TT.
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