Friday, 17 August 2007

Joel, our wonder boy

Joel what can I say about our roly poly, cheeky as a monkey, youngest son. Alway ready to flash his smile and charm everyone in sight.

Tuesday the head ultrasound showed no abnormalities -phew ! A huge sigh of relief. Still we will watch his head circumference and hope it just his big brains giving him a large head (still normal but in 90th % but just that it went from 50th to 90th percentile)
Wednesday he took his first steps well three in a row when we went to visit Tanya and Sonny (11months). He did it again last night to D .He is still unsure of this walking gig and plonks himself back down or lurches forwards.
Thursday a big more worrying because the DMSA scan showed his left kidney function is doing only 35% (normal is 50%) and right kidney is 65% - down from 40% / 60%. His left kidney is smaller (dysplasia) and not growing as much in the 5% percentile. He hasn't had any infetcions we are aware of but they say the next step is a circumcision ? it actually helps prevent infections and that prevents scarrring.The goodnews was he has no scarring.
I am not convinced and we will wait till he has another renal ultrasound in October. The Surgeon said it was a 6 month wait anyway , he should grow of the VCR (kidney reflux) hopefully and won't need surgery for reimplantation (they only this is there is scarring). The Dr assumed we would be public but no way is anyone but a bona fida surgeon touching my little boy's bits -no one is going to practice on him. I will wait and see at the moment. I can't bear the thought of a GA yet.
No more teeth yet but they are pushing the gums up and it won't be long.