Friday night -I had planned to go out to Kids clothing party.Just when I was about to leave, I had just been feeding Joel,I noticed white welts and red marks on his hand and fingers.Some kind of insect ? bites. So I didn't go just in case !
He was okay after a bath and we thought - maybe ants.Since we have a lot of food on the floor LOL.
Later, we learnt that teething challenges your sanity and sleep. I went to bed late ... after doing a few nappy hunt searches.Around midnight the boys both woke ... and screamed while I showered did my teeth etc. Then they fed and never settled. One or both cried -(I mean screamed) on and off and I knew it was their teeth ... the ones we can't see yet. J's bites were a red dot and okay by now.
Sam was the worse - he thrashed about ,side to side and fed on/off and screamed. J joined in but seemed to follow up loudly whenever Sam started up again and again. Twin surround STEREO but no on/off switch. Dh got up to get Panadol and Bonjela. We got some in but they still didn't go off quietly. It was after 2.30-3am before they finally settled with a few more cries till morning but we all managed a little sleep at least.
We woke to see Sam's new (2nd)top left tooth poking through his gum ...
Saturday night we armed ourselves with Panadol and Bonjela before bed at 8pm - and they settled in their cots. At 11pm we finally go to bed, and the bed to ourselves for the first time in weeks. Usually they wake before I get to bed and are then in bed with DH already. It was nice to cuddle up with my almost sleeping and very tired husband. Usually we are too tired to ... but tonight was an exception. I think I should try to go bed earlier more often *wink*.[I will add that to my 43 things -more on this to follow in next week]
^sigh^ (shrugging shoulders) Dh said he is used to falling asleep waiting for me -I feel very guilty but I need my late night 'quiet time' to blog, read other blogs and forum posts. I have hardly even had time for any of that lately.
Anyway they slept a little better last night or we were so tired we didn't notice ! I know I wake to feed them in my sleep but barely.
Sunday, 12 August 2007

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A Horrid night ...then a better one *wink*
♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys
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