Tuesday 18 February 2014

24 years and ways to say I love you

It was 24yrs and one week ago , our future was before us, a blank slate, waiting to be filled with shared dreams and adventures. So last Monday we quietly celebrated 24yrs as man and wife. I didn't have time to blog about it (last Monday) and then I had to get through my surgery and recovery.

Two young twenty-somethings, the world at their feet could never imagine a future filled hope and promise walking into this church in warehouse ...

(we took this 7th Feb - the buildings used to blue and cream bricks) Totally a coincidence I booked a hotel what was across the road -at the rear - and we haven't been here in over 15 yrs or more maybe.
24 years filled with graces from God.
some better and some  worse!
in sickness and health !
richer and poorer !

Staying together in the face of these trials has taken us along some rocky roads.

I'm home now -with my leg drain - and all is right with the world. Except than Nanny doesn't do it that way Mummy.

I'm just so grateful my Mum came to mind our little boys so my husband could be with me when I was feeling vulnerable, scared and knew I needed him more than the boys did.

We were able to enjoy our 24th anniversary together (before my admission).We had no great plans for a big celebration because it isn't our thing- just a quiet dinner at an Italian restaurant. Our 20 yr son visited us in our hotel room and my Hub even invited him to dinner.

Lucky Mr 20 said NO and I didn't have to.

My man has done some very romantic things, the simplest being - bringing me tea and toast in bed (like today).

A small act every day can strengthen your marriage  Sometimes you might only have a minute or two.It might not even need be very day -yet little gestures of love will become a good habit for you both. 

The spouse may be shocked - suspicious -curious surprised initially ,  sometimes they may not deserve it but making the first move can change the tone of your entire household and relationship. I know my sons watch everything their father does and I want the influence to be positive.

I think we've both done most of these things ...at least once in 24 yrs .

  1. Stuff a love note* in their wallet or tuck it under a windshield wiper or write, "I love you," in the steam on the bathroom mirror.
  2. *Maybe offer to give her a back massage at the end of the day.
  3. Leave Post-it notes around the house saying things you love about him or to thank ...thanks for emptying the bins.
  4. Or do a household chore that he usually is responsible for in the marital division of 'labour'
  5. Look up the date of the next full moon and celebrate with a midnight moonrise feast.
  6. He is more a morning person ? Sunrise Surprise - look it up and surprise him by setting the alarm and getting up to a champagne breakfast with the birds (or cows) http://sunrisesunset.com/Australia/ 
  7. Pick a flower from the garden lay it on the pillow or turn down his side of the bed and leave him chocolate (now I'm talking his language) 
  8. Make her/his favorite dinner.
  9. Give an extra long hug when they leave the house.
  10. Send a random sweet text message or send him an e-mail in the middle of the day...just not one that sets off the company spam filter and gets forwarded to everyone in the office.
  11. One weekend , let him sleep in and take the kids out for a surprise too to keep the house quiet.
  12. Write and send via snail mail an an old-fashioned love letter or verse.
  13. Pray for him.
  14. Offer a sincere compliment.
  15. Hold his hand as you're walking when out and about.
  16. Turn off the your TV, computer or laptop whatever and ask about their day.
  17. Crank up the music (don't wake the kids) and slow dance in the lounge room.
  18. Change the desktop wallpaper to a cute photo of you two on your spouse's home computer.
  19. Burn a CD or upload his ipod with tunes from your dating days and include your first dance or fave song.
  20. Despise sport, but your man is addicted? Hate musicals, but your partner can't get enough? Suck it up and buy tickets or tune in and watch with him!
  21. Forget breakfast in bed. Shake it up and eat dessert in bed (and don't worry about the crumbs)
  22. Go to bed early. No books, no iDevices, no remote. Note: that I didn't say sleep unless he really wants to (like my dear one)
  23. Go to a bookstore or music store together, then split up. Your mission: Buy something you know they'll love. Exchange later.
  24. Spend a few nights apart (like hospital) and plan to meet back at home after 48 hours...some suggest absence an aphrodisiac (haha not this time unfortunately)
 How do you say I love you ?
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