Last week we used brushes and paper stuck to the fence for an easel ... till they stripped down to their body canvases.

Today we tried finger painting ; clothes on.
This is because painting with fingers can be carried out in a controlled manner. Well that's the plan. I looked at these finger painting techniques ...a little hand magic but they had their own ideas immediately.
After getting

It was time to clean up ...QUICKLY before they touched anything ... the freshly painted walls or the new carpet.
A lovely lady from Dettol* offered us opportunity to try the new Dettol No-Touch Hand Wash System .The package also included some some paints, an art smock, and a canvas ...though we didn't use the canvas today as I needed two. .

My boys think it is magic and keep asking how it works.

I just wish we had motion activated taps or maybe not ;)
The lovely people at Dettol have offered to give one commenter the opportunity to have your own Dettol No-Touch Hand Wash System.
Personally, I love using it in the kitchen, it has a fresh cucumber smell and 'squirts' just the right amount of soft soap without touching the pump.
To enter ...
Tell me In 25 Words or Less: Your child’s messiest moment in the kitchen for a little fun. I'll still pick a random winner.
Giveaway finishes Tuesday 2nd November, 4pm Sydney (EST).
This Giveaway is for my Australian readers only.
*The Dettol No-Touch Hand Wash System and paints package was a gift .I was under no obligation to write this post nor was I paid.
See more play ideas HERE
what cutie patooties you have.......
our messiest moment........
it involved twins,sugar,flour and honey and oil,all stolen from the pantry when mumma wasnt looking.I leave it up to your imagination.........
Such cute painted boys! Our messiest kitchen experience was when Amy, age about 18 months, decided to help herself to a vegimite sandwich without any help! Wow, getting vegimite out of her hair took hours!
My Feral kidlet's messiest moment happened today when he learnt how to make potato salad and how to cook snags - more mayonnaise and tomato sauce on the stove top than on our plates *snort*
Oh what fun!
I would have to say the messiest moment in the kitchen with the kid's, was when the 5 year old (4 at the time) was helping me make meatballs for dinner!
His rolling technique was quite cute, but he couldn't quite get the technique happening! You can imagine the bits falling off onto the bench and tiles!?
The dettol 'No Touch' system would have come in handy here. Because who want's raw mince on their soap pump?
I usually bring the fingerpaints outside (in the summer!) and let them splash it off in the pool! When we're inside I try to put as little as possible in cupcake tins and place it more towards the oldest - it's the littlest that makes the most mess around here! Looks like they had fun!
so love the pictures - especially the body painting - super fun!
well. FINE. Discriminate against Americans, why don't ya?
Painting looks incredibly fun at your house!!!!!!!
Aww he has such a cheeky, sweet smile! :)
We have a rule in our house when we have finished painting or gluing - 'hands together.' And she walks that way until we get to the bathroom for a good wash before touching anything
A messy moment that I am still paying for was when My 3yo son discovered some paints early in the morning and he decided he would have a go at fingerpainting - on our living room rug!!!!
Was able to get most of it out, but there is still a bright yellow paint smear to remind us to wake up when he does!!!
you would definitely need alot of dettol to clean those hands ;)
we have alot of messy moments, kitchen or not.
one moment which was hard to clean was drawing on their facs..with texta, hmmm...
Our messiest moment in the kitchen involved my almost 3yo & flour. Whenever we make cakes or muffins I swear more of it ends up over him than in the bowl. He likes to clap it in his hands & fingerpaint it on the benchtop, then to get it all of his hands what better than to pat it all over his clothes :)
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