Shhh I am addicted to FB status shuffle ...for a good laugh.
and so a 'the status quo' exists.
Status quo, literally "the state in which", is a Latin term meaning the current or existing state of affairs. So we blog about our current 'status', mostly or alternatively....
The related phrase status quo ante, literally "the state in which before", means "the state of affairs that existed previously.".
Another confession I shamelessly stole some of this next paragraph from somewhere ...
I am a mother, wife one time lover to my one and only but not always in that order. I have three boys and one husband - I am commited to them , they are an easy commitment to make. I write about them often. I devote the rest of my blog to whatever else amuses me, including my waistline , my cravings and my heartstrings .
I have never professed to be a writer but I enjoy writing on my blog.
So this post is pretty much about nothing you might think. Stay with me ... I am getting to the point .I think.
I confess I have been a bit disconnected from the online world the past week. As much as it is my favourite part of blogging.
I did it in order to connect with what’s truly important , my family , the real people in the my life, and the mundane everyday things I love doing (housework is not intentionally included in this category but Spring cleaning was what I spent a lot of time doing honour of Father's day).
Sometimes we must cut things out of our life for the sake of making room for what is really important. I have to breathe in, breathe out, and let go ... of why blogging matters so much. It does and it does not.
Cutting cr@p & clutter things out of our life not just for the sake of cutting, but for the sake of putting things in perspective. Is my life really going to suffer if I don't blog today or for 5 days ? Will my stats matter ?
I read a very significant post on blogging the other day (I was still reading your blogs just not commenting much). Titled ..the Evolution of a Blogger by Maggie @okay. fine. dammit.
It was thought provoking and the comments were just as awe inspiring. goes on and it continues to both surprise and delight me (I can live without the disappointments and stress though). The journey is more important than the destination and I'd just thought I'd share it with you , too.
"I love taking on the status quo, and trying to turn it upside down." — Richard Branson
P.S You are my favourite..... but don't tell the others ;)
P.S.S. I keep hitting ESCAPE on my keyboard but I am still here!
sorry the formatting is stuffed and it is too late to fix it ...forgive me ! I hate HTML.
PS - I won't tell, promise ;) Sending love back at you!
"It is important but it isn't."
I love to blog because it is an outlet, not for numbers or popularity.
I often blog to help me process stuff going on in my life.
This is great. Still evolving as a blogger, I am only recently taking breaks from it without feeling guilty or like I am doing something "wrong". It is a nice place to be.
Thank you for your comment on my blog ....I loved yours. The stories of your children ...all four of them so so so lovely.
You have had 1 daughter and 3 sons ...and I have 1 daughter and 2 sons ...but I lost more along the way.
All of my babies those kept and those gone ..and those that barely lasted more than a wish remain with me.
much love,
Sarah Lulu
The biggest blogging challenge for me has always been not letting it matter so much. I go back and forth on it, think I'm getting better, wake up with egg on my face realizing I still care as much as I ever did, that I allow readers to set my moods. It's a daily struggle for me, but rather than beat myself up about it I try to figure out exactly what it means about my personality in real life, and what I can do to fix it. Okay, fine -- I still totally beat myself up about it. ;)
As long as we all keep evolving, I think we'll be okay.
Thanks for taking us on the journey with you! xo
Thanks for the link to the Evolution of a blogger. I am finding ways to pull back at the moment, so could relate to what that was all about. I am going off line again this week end and am really looking forward to it!
This little gem really is from the archives! The 'blogcation' (scheduled) or just blog-pause is hard to manage isn't it? Without feeling like we are letting the team down. But I think we all need to take time when it feels right. This is not a job. We are not really accountable so come and go as you please I say :-) Thanks for Rewinding this Weekend x
Great post. I find it very hard to step back - feeling as though the treadmill keeps on turning. But I'm getting better at it.
Visiting from the Rewind!
Everything you write always resonates with me Trish. Safe travels for your roadtrip. I am so looking forward to the conference next week. xx
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