Baking: Birthday cup cakes for the dynamic duos' 10th Birthday tomorrow ...soon.
Dining: Out with the Quirky Perkies - Breast Cancer Survivors Group tonight and Chinese Restaurant with birthday boys tomorrow.
Bookmarking: All the things I need to do to get ready for my trip to China and fitness related pins.
Remembering: these photos 6 years ago oh the cuteness

Thinking: Of all the things I should be doing instead.
Feeling: Like crawling back into bed with a new book.
Hoping: I reach more people and my fundraising goal.

Giggling: I've had a few quiet chuckles browsing Facebook and Mia's photographer calling her a sexy bonnet model.
Free Hugs |
Buying: My new claw foot Bath and Birthday presents - June was a busy birthday month and now July too.
Wearing: new mermaid leggings and Curvy jeans.
Loving: That we have a wood-chopper and enough fallen wood to keep the fire roaring all day and night. Fringe benefits of a scrub farm.
Missing: Mia ...she moved to the workshop shed because of 'bullying' from the 3 other rescue cats and now an extra feral.
Enjoying: Cooking with my boys - Satay Chicken last night with Sam and Pikelets with Joel this morning.
Listening: To cows mooing, their semi -grown up calves (Wieners) went to market yesterday.
Running: Parkrun mostly , I need to ramp it up for The City to Surf.
Wondering: When will I see you again ? ... this goes out to several friends I am missing.
Snacking: On Cheese and crackers or Basil Cashew dip.
Trying: to have it ALL ! do it ALL with limited success.
Eating: Lots of Soup - it's the weather for it.
Needing: To de-clutter the clothes that don't fit or I don't wear and pack away summer .
Coveting: Mermaid leggings in GOLD.
Noticing: My strength and balance has improved with a mix of group gym classes and yoga.
Disliking: Hairs on my chin and a sore butt from squats.
Knowing: I have 6 weeks to get 14km race fit and be fit for paddling in China.
Helping: Set-up for the Stars Of Dubbo - Cancer Council fundraising night. I can't be there because of Birthday Boys.
Pondering : On this day - 9 years ago right about now it was slowly sinking in , that someone was really wrong with me and our twin boys would be born sooner than July 14th ...oh what a special day it was. The days have flown off the calendar this last trip around the sun. I can hardly believe it.
Looking forward to: All the birthdays in July - there are stacks in our family not to mention my own big one ending in 0. Then my big trip to China.
So tell me how are things going at your place ?
Is life treating you kind?
Can you still see the light at the end of the tunnel?
Are your days flying by so fast you only see a blur ?
well Welcome, oh welcome (Though I hope NOT) , to my world.