Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Living in a material world ~ I can't run from the facts

Today I was very excited to receive my Team World Vision shirt to use throughout my training and for race day !

Initially, when I decided to run for a good cause and *cough* get in shape - I had several charities in mind including `baby and pregnancy loss' ones my friends fund raise for.

Losing a child is one of the worse experiences you go through . I cannot begin to imagine the thousands of mothers' , right now, watching their children (all of them) dying from preventable diseases and starvation.

 Eden made us aware so poignantly with the sheer rawness of her 'voice' of the crisis in West Africa .

Beyond the comfort of my material world western lifestyle , I can't do much to reach out to help them physically.

"I can't do everything for everyone but I can do something for someone"  
Bob Pierce World Vision Founder

So , I thought - can I run for them ?

For 24yrs now I (& my hubby for 22yrs) have been World Vision child sponsors. We are not unique,around 400,000 Australians now contribute to World Vision's work around the world.

Why did I choose to embark on the challenge, to run 14km City To Surf, for World Vision ?

In my heart I knew World Vision was the one because World Vision is all about making a positive difference.

Five reasons why ~ I chose to run with Team World Vision because I can't run from the facts (taken from WV site)

  1. The priceless feeling of knowing I can help to change lives - so World Vision can continue to meet the basic needs of a child, their family and community, helping rescue children from exploitation, funding vital development work, helping people in emergency situations or participating in advocacy campaigns, every person who supports their work is making a positive difference in someone's life.
  2. As a part of a broader movement against global poverty e.g: Twenty years ago more than 12 million children died every year from preventable causes. Last year, less than 8 million children died from preventable causes. [ It is still 8 million children too MANY !} This is a 36 percent reduction in child deaths and aid has played a vital part .Sending aid to Africa can save many lives estimates are ~ $370 million in aid can prevent more than 160,000 HIV, malaria and TB-related deaths each year.
  3. An extra 40 million children have received a basic education each year since 2000. Aid has been a major factor in improving children’s access to education. Education can bring key changes to lives.
  4. I am now sporting an awesome Team World Vision running shirt and I have secured entry in to the exclusive Gold Start area (would love to have you join us) !
  5. The money I raise will go to the Multiplying Gift appeal - every $1 you give is enables x 10 the value in food aid and relief essentials.
What do you run for ?

My goal is to raise $1000 , I need $10 more this week to reach my first goal of $250
You can support me via my sponsor page here