Tuesday, 7 February 2012

10 degrees of separation and seeing double.

I still feel a bit overwhelmed about my babies starting school yesterday. I started to write a post, and then I could feel too many emotions bubbling up .

It only seems like yesterday I was peeing on that little white stick after our second IVF cycle (third attempt).

Ten degrees of Separation -

  1. My twins first day at school was fabulous. They posed for photos at home and then at school - a bit subdued –The bell rang and they gave us a wave and a quick hug. In they ran and settled down to play on the mat in the blink of eye. 
  2. We hovered outside watching through the window other parents were still inside. I just had something in my eye as I saw another little boy crying, his mother hovering , looking helplessly about for someone to do something.
  3. As we were leaving the grounds the Principal recognised us and mentioned they had five sets of twins starting that morning . The local paper was coming to take photos ! The rate overall, about 1 in 80 births in Australia is a twin - so they have 5 times this - with 80 kinders.
  4. It was only then a few tears spilled. They made the front page today . They had 3 boy/boy sets, 1 Girl/girl set and 1 Boy/Girl set spread over 4 kinder classes .One set per class with 5th set separated at the parents request. One boy set are identical bare a freckle. 
  5. I noticed after I got the paper –the other fraternal boys I know of already. My boys and I met their mum and her twins in the main street one day last year. I thought she said they were going to school elsewhere. I still had her number in my phone so I sent her a message.
  6. A lady I met in the Blood bank today knew the Girl/Girl set and mentioned one little girl had dwarfism – I haven’t noticed (at school or) from the photo . You can’t tell exactly in the photo. The lady saw me glassy eyed, gazing over the paper - so that is why she mentioned it.
  7. I discovered today two other schools in Sydney also had 5 sets of twins starting school this year – wow !
  8. Sam and Joel had a lovely day and as we left the school by a side gate , they were playfully pushing each other – the Principal was on gate duty –He recognised Dh & I (again) smiled , and said THEY were lively boys. They were apparently the only ones climbing the play equipment , just outside the classrooms, where the group photo of the 5 pairs of twins was taken.
  9. They proceeded to mishandle and pull on his tie OMG  – double trouble the first day ;). I am pleased he is such a lovely friendly Principal and didn't mind. It was a McGrath Foundation tie , I may not have noticed otherwise.
  10. When we asked what they have learned last night – they didn’t say much. Over breakfast something came up about SITTING DOWN ...no ooo they didn’t learn their ABC’s but the 5 L’s.
I was surprised they remembered - I am guessing maybe not 100% in the right order.

L- Legs - cross them and sit on the floor
L-Lap – hands still in your lap
L- Listen
L- L o_O K
L –Lip – zip your lip
They told us in stereo, each, a bit mixed up.!

In other news - I am very relieved I was able to change an appointment at Westmead Children’s Hosp for Sam on Thursday till Monday 13th when he had already another appointment at the Eye Clinic . Saving us over 728km/10 hrs - driving trip. Not to mention 2+ tankfuls of petrol . My husband already has to travel to Sydney to work this week for 2 days.

We will stay overnight with family when we go. Need less to say - I would have taken him to both appointments if I had too. Now- I can attend the Kindergarten information session on Thursday and he doesn’t miss two days of school in his first week.

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sounds like an awesome first day... the 5 L's are something I wish my kids learnt.

Theirs was 'hands feet and objects to yourself' Heh.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
So sweet Trish...Wow 5 sets of twins...my Boy/Girls twins are now 15 and in Yr 10 they are in the same Maths class...first time they have ever been together..cant wait to start hearing the stories :0
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1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Oh wow what a day. Double the tears. Just imagine what they will learn and how much they will enjoy their school year. Then there is that time you have now acquired.
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
There are a few sets of twins at our kids school too. I remember thinking nearly 8 years ago that I was the only person on the planet with 2 babies inside of me..... HA! how wrong I was, there's twins everywhere :-)
Glad they had an awesome 1st day. Another milestone reached, and the start of a whole new chapter. xox
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Oh Trish, I dread the day my youngest goes to school and I'm on my own during the day. I'm glad it went well. They are obviously very happy, confident children so you should be proud. :)
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1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Congratulations on the boys starting school. Our eldest started his second year of school this year and I still got choked up on his first day so I couldn't imagine two of them starting together. They're just so damn cute!! xx
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
What a big day for you... and for them. They are so lucky that they have each other to rely on during big events like this. My twins start prep next year and I'm already wondering where the time went!
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1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Those twins stats are amazing. Funnily enough when hubs and I were in NSW last month we commented on the amount of twins we saw.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Wow, 5 sets... that's impressive!!
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1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Glad today went so well Trish :) One year, we had 2 sets of twins in our kindy classes (from 40 kindy kids) & thought that was a lot. 5 is amazing!
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1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
My baby started childcare yesterday. I was the helicopter parent. She seemed fine and coped well. Then today I was gently shooed away to see if they could settle her for a nap. I didn't expect that and boy was I the weepy mama. She did well again today. I've done this before but it just doesn't get easier for the second child. I can imagine how I'll feel when my little girls start school......actually, I'm not ready to go there right now! Your boys look so lovely and happy though. I hope they find school a great place to be. It makes a huge difference knowing they are fine and adjusting.
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cat@jugglingact's avatar

cat@jugglingact · 683 weeks ago

I must say that I was totally overwhelmed when my girl started with grade 1 this year. Here the first year in uniform. And in South Africa they separate twins here in grade R which is at age 5
How crazy is the 5 twins thing? Last year when my girlies started prep they too where one of five sets of twins starting that year. So yes they were in the paper also. It seems there are more twins around than you'd expect.
Oh, I was thinking of you - sending two off together! Twice the 'something in your eye'. Twice the butterflies! Twice the relief when they were back in your arms again?

Are they in the same class? I lol-ed at them being the lively ones. Do you know, I'd always pictured them (in my head) as being relatively shy? The quiet ones... Apparently I'm waaaay off. :D

I'm so glad they had a great time. Those 5 L's sound great. They look so freaking adorable in those uniformes!

(When I was little, just starting school my best friend lived next door to me. He had twin brothers - identical save for a freckle. One boy had a freckle behind his left ear. Michael and Robert. I think it was Robert with the freckle. It's funny what you remember.....)
What a great start for them! great to see they have settled in so quickly, even if they have been pegged as a bit lively already. I am so glad you explained what the 5L's were, I thought for a moment I had to go back to school!
Sounds like an excellent school :)
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