It only seems like yesterday I was peeing on that little white stick after our second IVF cycle (third attempt).
Ten degrees of Separation -
- My twins first day at school was fabulous. They posed for photos at home and then at school - a bit subdued –The bell rang and they gave us a wave and a quick hug. In they ran and settled down to play on the mat in the blink of eye.
- We hovered outside watching through the window other parents were still inside. I just had something in my eye as I saw another little boy crying, his mother hovering , looking helplessly about for someone to do something.
- As we were leaving the grounds the Principal recognised us and mentioned they had five sets of twins starting that morning . The local paper was coming to take photos ! The rate overall, about 1 in 80 births in Australia is a twin - so they have 5 times this - with 80 kinders.
- It was only then a few tears spilled. They made the front page today . They had 3 boy/boy sets, 1 Girl/girl set and 1 Boy/Girl set spread over 4 kinder classes .One set per class with 5th set separated at the parents request. One boy set are identical bare a freckle.
- I noticed after I got the paper –the other fraternal boys I know of already. My boys and I met their mum and her twins in the main street one day last year. I thought she said they were going to school elsewhere. I still had her number in my phone so I sent her a message.
- A lady I met in the Blood bank today knew the Girl/Girl set and mentioned one little girl had dwarfism – I haven’t noticed (at school or) from the photo . You can’t tell exactly in the photo. The lady saw me glassy eyed, gazing over the paper - so that is why she mentioned it.
- I discovered today two other schools in Sydney also had 5 sets of twins starting school this year – wow !
- Sam and Joel had a lovely day and as we left the school by a side gate , they were playfully pushing each other – the Principal was on gate duty –He recognised Dh & I (again) smiled , and said THEY were lively boys. They were apparently the only ones climbing the play equipment , just outside the classrooms, where the group photo of the 5 pairs of twins was taken.
- They proceeded to mishandle and pull on his tie OMG – double trouble the first day ;). I am pleased he is such a lovely friendly Principal and didn't mind. It was a McGrath Foundation tie , I may not have noticed otherwise.
- When we asked what they have learned last night – they didn’t say much. Over breakfast something came up about SITTING DOWN ooo they didn’t learn their ABC’s but the 5 L’s.

L- Legs - cross them and sit on the floor
L-Lap – hands still in your lap
L- Listen
L- L o_O K
L –Lip – zip your lip
They told us in stereo, each, a bit mixed up.!In other news - I am very relieved I was able to change an appointment at Westmead Children’s Hosp for Sam on Thursday till Monday 13th when he had already another appointment at the Eye Clinic . Saving us over 728km/10 hrs - driving trip. Not to mention 2+ tankfuls of petrol . My husband already has to travel to Sydney to work this week for 2 days.
We will stay overnight with family when we go. Need less to say - I would have taken him to both appointments if I had too. Now- I can attend the Kindergarten information session on Thursday and he doesn’t miss two days of school in his first week.
kelley · 683 weeks ago
Theirs was 'hands feet and objects to yourself' Heh.
Jen R · 683 weeks ago
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Tamara · 683 weeks ago
@MahliMoo · 683 weeks ago
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jac@Common Chaos · 683 weeks ago
Glad they had an awesome 1st day. Another milestone reached, and the start of a whole new chapter. xox
Essentially Jess 98p · 683 weeks ago
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Jacqui (CRAP Mamma) · 683 weeks ago
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cat@jugglingact · 683 weeks ago
Weza · 683 weeks ago
melissa4444 67p · 683 weeks ago
Are they in the same class? I lol-ed at them being the lively ones. Do you know, I'd always pictured them (in my head) as being relatively shy? The quiet ones... Apparently I'm waaaay off. :D
I'm so glad they had a great time. Those 5 L's sound great. They look so freaking adorable in those uniformes!
(When I was little, just starting school my best friend lived next door to me. He had twin brothers - identical save for a freckle. One boy had a freckle behind his left ear. Michael and Robert. I think it was Robert with the freckle. It's funny what you remember.....)
eatplaybond 80p · 682 weeks ago
Sounds like an excellent school :)
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