Popcorn is like magic to me how such a small dried out kernel can explode into something so big.
The greatest gift of the garden
is the restoration of the five senses. ~Hanna Rion
So we are going to grow our own popcorn and other greens ( and other yellow, blue, red edibles too ...well that's the plan ; a real rainbow connection).is the restoration of the five senses. ~Hanna Rion
One of the most delightful things about a garden
is the anticipation it provides.
~W.E.Johns, The Passing Show
is the anticipation it provides.
~W.E.Johns, The Passing Show
I am excitedly awaiting my popcorn seeds.
Spring is still 4 weeks away and though the days are warm and glorious the ground is still too cold and the frost might still kill them. So I will pot them first and nurse the babies carefully till I plant them out so they can grow in size.
I got the idea of a popcorn tree from a twit Mum-me posted about her gorgeous girls planting a popcorn tree except it had already been heated and so she told them it might not grow.
A lightbulb went off in my head.
I googled.
I found an answer.
A wonderful blogger Lyn at Aussie Organic gardening offered to send me some organic seeds .In return I will plant extra and share the seed with others.
I know the preschool will happily take some ...though have to make sure they grow first.
A kind of pay in forward - mostly so we stop the spread of GM corn in our diet.
Then , I also saw a post on blueberries
I googled again I found this forum.Now I know where to ask questions and buy my blueberry plants.
I want to grow strawberries and tomatoes too.
We live in semi suburbia .My vegie garden is very
Our side neighbours own a market garden a few kilometres away but grow seedlings in their backyard .Sometimes they pass 2-3 seedlings over the fence ...fancy lettuce is on offer.
Gardening requires lots of water -
most of it in the form of perspiration. ~Lou Erickson
I am really looking forward to growing some rainbows with my little boys .I hope it will encourage them to eat more vege and
Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil,
getting dirty without feeling guilty,
and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity.
~Lindley Karstens, noproblemgarden.com
What are you planning to grow in Spring ? or Fall in thenorthern hemisphere ?getting dirty without feeling guilty,
and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity.
~Lindley Karstens, noproblemgarden.com
I hope it will save money also taste good when we harvest the fruits of our labour.
We have some dinner plate size sunflowers (well seeds) to grow too
I want to give Moon planting a try too ...when I can. Bring it on.
Ps I want to make blueberry crumb bars now too.
You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt. ~Author Unknown.
Dude! You can buy a popcorn tree?
Can I get one with butter and extra salt cause that would be all kinds of awesome.
Good luck with your garden. I've heard that planting by moon phases is the way to get things really growing well, so I'll be interested to hear how it goes if you get a chance to try it.
At our place we grow our own strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, nectarines, apricots and peaches without too much intervention... That is we don't seem to kill them with neglect, or too much attention :)
Apart from tomatoes (which we give away) and herbs, we do need to supplement our produce with grocery store supplies!
We have tried quite a few other vegies with varying degrees of success - too much shade at our place.
Good Luck
Oh yay for popcorn! I've been thinking I might go some popping corn this year too since my kids love it so much. Do you know what variety you have? Am looking at the Eden Seeds catalogue and as usual I can't decide which one to get!
My kids LOVE the vegie garden... the joy of eating something straight off the plant is fabulous!
Make sure you blog some photos!
Good luck with your garden. I'm enjoying our garden now and I'm definitely plan on making it bigger next year.
Sounds wonderful!!!
I am hoping to enlarge our vege garden this year.(the kids esp No 3 actually ATE things we had grown!!)
That's on my 'to get' list too lol
And the carrots I'm planning on growing this year are multi coloured :)
You will love the colourful popcorn. It should have very thin crackly hulls, so it pops easily and is delightful to eat.
hmmm I'm all confused? I thought popcorn was just ordinary dried corn kernels put in the microwave? This confirms what I suspected - that I know absolutely nothing about gardens... I am excited about learning more as I embark on growing vegies in the coming months though. :-)
I hope you have as much success with your vegie garden as we have had. Our daughter (18moths) absolutely loves checking the vegies for snail and slugs and picking the goods when they are ready. She knows the difference now between a red and a green tomato and which should actually leave the vine!
Happy gardening,
We currently have strawberries (or rather, very bushy plants - soil is too good for them, I think), onions, spring onions, beetroot, silverbeet, spinach, pumpkin and (self-seeded) tomatoes.
There is also the hedge of basil that keeps self-propogating and the various chili plants (although we had to say a sad farewell to the jalopeno).
Today I plan to plant some peas, sweet peas, parsley and radish (just so we can break the "p" theme).
Oh - and our mandarine, lime and lemonade trees are starting to grow!!
I had never contemplated popcorn would be a whole different genre than normal corn - apparently you can pop many different seeds! There are some who don't realise you can buy the dry popping corn without it being overpackaged with some nuclear butter!!
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