I feel disconnected ... from the lists and from my plans.
I don't get done half of what I set out to do.
Do you feel like you can't keep up with life ?
Do you feel there aren't enough hours in the day?
I do... and I bet I am not the only one.
That quiet, still, peaceful time always seems out of reach unless it is midnight LOL.
Be still ... and know that I am God ~ Psalm 46:10.
PS tomorrow I am going to attempt a 24hr technology free day - no mobiles, no internet , no facebook, no emails ... it is easy when the access isn't available. Cheat !
Have a Happy, safe, blessed and restful Easter ... I doubt I'll be resting much (too much food chocolate to eat people and of course my 10,000 steps ) but I'll try.
I too,constantly feel like I am playing catch up......
If only I didn't crave sleep soooo much.
Have a lovely Easter.
A technology-free day is an excellent idea. If you are really serious about it, document your day and let me know about it 'cos I'd love to see how you go.
I have days and days of being behind in EVERYTHING and then suddenly I'll have a couple of frantic days and for a few blissful hours, relish the fact that all immediate things are done.
Then swiish, just as quickly as it came, it is gone. So no, you're not alone :-)
Happy Easter my BFITC (Best friend in the computer of course ;-)).
No. I get it all done every day.
Ha! Wasn't that funny? I'm still laughing over here. I get further behind with each day. Oh well. There's comfort in knowing that at least:)
Oh do NOT get me started! AAARGH!
I'll just be still myself, and wish you a Happy Easter.xx♥
Even a 5 min breather in the midst of chaos helps re-align our balance ;)
I've been chasing my tail continuously this year.
Hope you have a nice break.
I know exactly what you mean. I often wish I had two more hours in each day!
I need more hours in the day, or if I didn't need to sleep I think I could almost catch up :)
I didn't used to like that song but it seems to haunt me.
Yes. I feel like that all the time. It's overwhelming at times.
See, I'm behind on reading too :(
How did your tech-free day go?
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