May 1st is RSS awareness day ?
Thanks Sue @Blogging Sueblimely for bringing this to my attention.
Daniel of Blogging Tips has initiated RSS Awareness Day to take place 1st May. The objective - to get as many people as possible talking about RSS and its benefitsYou can join in and get involved here!
So do you know what RSS is and how it works ?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format used to deliver information from websites and pages that get updated regularly
Tonight I was staggered to read only 4-5% of internet users use RSS. Do you ?

I use Goggle reader. There are many choices.
It is so much quicker then visiting all my favourites and seeing if they have new posts.It saves me time and I still visit most blogs personally or I can skim through relevant posts and then go directly to them.
I also love seeing how much subscribers I have. Have you subscribed Me ? See the little orange button on the top left.
It only takes two clicks and then you will never miss a post.
This video explains how it all works -much better than I can.
If you are reading this in your RSS feed please de-lurk and say hi ...and tell others about your RSS experience. Then spread the word on your blog ...
I love my RSS feeds (and yours is one of them which I read regularly!!) I have only been using RSS for a couple of months and have converted in a big way. I show everyone and tell them that they should be using it. I haven't actually managed to convert anyone yet though!
PQ - same here I only started using RSS in last few months too.Yours is one of my favourites too.
Yes, ma' as instructed, to say that my RSS feed (Google Reader) is both a delight and a pain. I read all my favourite bloggers (like YOU) in my's sooooo much easier, and convenient while I'm still on dial-up as it tends to load quicker than many sites. BUT it can be scary to open after 2 or 3 days away from 'puter to find 150+ posts to read!
I was really surprised to see that only 4-5% of people subscribe to feeds - I thought that figure would be much higher.
(Ps. Your new little kitty-baby is sooo cute. I thought you might after commenting on my baby. Mahlia says "Hi" to your puss.)
thanks Mountainmama - I love Mahlia's name - Matilda says Hi back ;)
I know what you mean my RSS feed has been hovering in the hundreds for weeks - as soon as I catch up - boom off it goes again.
My feeds are a delight and a bane. I can NEVER catch up and then I find another great blog... argh!
I have had to start a routine in my blog reading, commentors blogs first and then close my eyes and click on a blog to read in my feeder! :)
I do that too Kelley - like sticking a pin in...sometimes I start from top , then the bottom then I go eeeny meeny - of course I always read yours first.
I use Bloglines...makes things a heck of a lot easier..I tell ya!!
De-lurking here too!
I woldn't be able to keep up if I didn't use RSS feeds. I love my Google Reader!
thanks Melanie & Jenty for stopping by ...
I haven't tried bloglines I onyl knwo GR
I find it so much quicker and so I don't forget anyone too.
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