This morning as my husband left for work I observed this P ... not used on pee or poo but played with.
No ,it wasn't on my watch ...he left the door open. Yesterday they got into both bathrooms but the paper was near the end of the roll. No such chance today.
At least they didn't throw it in the bathtub of water like last week.That would have p'd me off.
Oh my! LOL!
That is hilarious!!!
My girls have shoved the whole roll of toilet paper into the bowl of the toilet and flushed it a couple of times. The joy! NOT.
Have your terrible twosome discovered the joys of emptying a box of tissues yet? Snow Mummy, look snow. :grin:
oh, an all too familiar sight!
marita - yes and yes - my boys have done both!!
They are now shoving all manner of things down the toilet, so we have taken to locking them from the inside which means we need to use skewers to unpick the locks everytime we need to go to the toilet! the joys indeed! lol
Thanks for visiting my Heads or Tails :D Your sons is cute.
One of my photography you can see at my header :D See tomorrow maybe at WW...
I love ur blog, can i add you at my blogroll? As yours also. Let me know. See you around.
oh NO Cathy - they can almost reach the door handles and they love water - the dog bowl goes over at least 5 times a day.
I think a few cabin hooks might work.
They can climb onto the lid and flush now.
Hi Baby,
Thanks for faved me at ur technoraty. I faved you too. I added u at my blogroll. Hope you don't forget add me in next few days hi hi hi hi...
See you around.
PS : My son is 18 months old.
ROFLMAO!!! That is truly a 'hoot'....love this "P" entry...oops...the roll's empty on the hanger too, now tell me, do you put the paper where it unrolls the front side or the back side? LOL
Too funny. This was a Perfectly enjoyable "P"!!! [I'm weird that way you know.]
My HoT is shared, I hope you can drop by for a 'chat'. Happy Tuesday.
Lol! :) Keeping that door closed is important! The funniest hing Cas has put in the loo when I've been foolish enough to forget to close the door is a tin of beetroot.
Ah! The little ones have attacked. It's cute, if you're just looking at it, not if you have to clean it up. But like you said, at least it's not in the tub! Cute post.
Oh boy! That is "precious", but I bet you were a bit "peeved" or "perturbed" ;-)
oh...wait...this weekend I have my 1.5 year old grandson coming from Winnipeg to stay with me and he and my son will run (RUNNNNNN) rampant...
What was I laughing at?
hahahaha - oh that's a great "p"ost! have a gr8 day and thx for your continual visits. i love seeing you.
LMAO that looks so familiar!
This picture made me LOL for sure. I bet you were so not laughing at the time, though...
LOL!! I remember those days. One day you'll look back and laugh as well.
Oh no!
I live with a toddler (not mine) and we always have a clean up of gigantic proportions if the door is left open.
Cute picture, though.
LOL I remember the days of re-rolling the rolls that survived and flushing the tonnes that didn't LOL.
I never had to deal with that with my first born. He didn't get in the cat food, didn't pull stuff off of shelves or out of trashcans and he didn't unroll the toilet paper! My daughter on the other hand...did it all!
I can laugh because I'm a grandma now and grandmas get to laugh at things like this. :)
I just posted news of a contest I'm having for Heads Or Tails players. Check it out. :)
My son was also fascinated with tissue rolls but he wasn't able to experience that kind of fun. :)
Oh no! hoomans do this too??? I thought only kittehs did! My HoT is here, thank you.
Ha, Ha! Nothing like teamwork! : D
I'm laughing! Wasn't too long ago, I found the same thing at my place! It is fun, I guess. Never did it myself, but maybe I missed out on something big. Good post!
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