... -:¦:-.•:*:•.-:¦:- FaNtAsTiC idea bought to us by Lightening
So many things made me smile this week and so many people.
I could go on ...but enough about me, it is your turn -so what made you smile this week ?
So many things made me smile this week and so many people.
- So far I have lasted one day as a Top momma - so please click on us -see post above.
- Today ...The birth of a child reaffirms the miracle of life It with great pleasure I joyfully announce the birth of Billy David Johnathon, a young friend's 2nd son born this morning.
- Starting my Christmas shopping early with a few bargains for S & J (shhh -$25 for both)
- Bargains ... My new Nappy bags - a Kapoochi back pack for $15 , water bottle holder for pram, and few other things (also bargain deals-thanks to my friend telling me about a baby shop clearance... I am really smiling because I $aved)
- Reading some very raw and honest posts about when things go wrong in our lives .It is incredibly liberating to know that everyone else isn't perfect and doesn't have it all together. Not that these made me smile because of their struggles but knowing I am not alone.
- Reading this post on Gratitude Journals by Jen at Amazing Trips (January 16th) and a few others of Jen's amazing posts.
- Realising every day ...my husband is my rock. He always makes me smile.
- The privilege of staying at home and watching my young sons grow, play and squeal with delight knowing that these moments are fleeting. In nothing more than a blink of an eye my tiny children will no longer be
babiestoddlers, ... children (but hopefully not a raging teen -LOL). I want to soak in every one of these moments, down to the very essence of them.Breath deeply the scent of them (but not that one silly LOL ) I look into their smiling faces and and etch the memory of them on my heart - the curve of every baby feature, the magic of every giggle, the twinkle in their mischievous eyes andthe touch of their fingers poking out my eyes and/or mouththeir soft caresses. - Lolinate ur blogz this is sure to bring a smile ... try it and leave your link.

Thanks for joining in with Smiley Saturday!!! :) What a great list! Congrats on suriving on top momma. Who can resist those 2 gorgeous smiley faces!! What a blessing!
You've done fantastically on your bargains as well!!!! :)
Just had to comment on point 8 on your list, about staying at home with your kids.
I had 4 boys under 5, and I stayed home with them until the youngest hit primary school. I love working, but I cherish the memories of that decade of small quiet things, just nurturing them and watching them grow and experience the world. Enjoy it... it goes so fast. (My oldest is now 16!!!)
Thanks for popping by my blog.
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