Monday, 30 November 2015

Taking Stock - November

Life has been hectic and I'm riding the waves of mixed emotions.

I hope my knee surgery for very damaged cartiliage last Thursday is successful so I can get back to doing all the things I love and unfortunately the cleaning.

The Orthopedic surgeon said I also have significant arthritis in my knee and since I'm a youngen' (love this guy) they'll try to stetch me out a few years before the replacement I'll eventually need.

November 30 did this happen ?

Time to take stock

Making : My Bulbura Plant design - I'l show you tomorrow.
Cooking : the best Chocolate Brownies later
Drinking : Australian Afternoon tea in the morning - rule breaker to the end
Reading: Finishing Dune Road ... starting our Christmas Book Advent read tomorrow.
Wanting: Speedy healing after my knee surgery
Looking: All the Christmas decorations.
Playing: Christmas Carols already loving the Spirit of Christmas CD 

Proceeds raised from the sale of this CD will support The Salvation Armys family and domestic violence services

Deciding: What to buy my minions for Christmas
Wishing: I wasn't so stressed
Enjoying: sound of silence ...except for the dishwasher
Waiting: for the cleaning fairy
Liking: Hand stamped delights as a teacher's gift maybe
Wondering: why breast Cancer is the gift that keeps on giving (stupid early arthritis in
Loving: this Random Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar idea
Pondering: What if this is as good as it gets (my crappy knee in particular)
Considering: De-cluttering and cleaning the office
Buying: Christmas Books
Watching: my weight (Breast Cancer meds are packing it on quicker than I can exercise)
Hoping: I can get back to paddling soon.
Marvelling: Stools and furniture carved from fallen trees - could my hubby do this with the chainsaw he gave me for my birthday a few years back.

Cringing: at the amount of yelling I do " Shut the door" "Be quiet" "Leave your brother alone"
Needing: a holiday , to get more sleep and bi focals.
Questioning: why I don't go to bed earlier. It's my fault.
Smelling: Mangoes
Wearing: Bonds shorts and pj top- very glam I am.
Noticing: Clutter and chaos
Following: a careful path around said clutter and chaos to protect my knee
Knowing: this too will pass
Thinking: to do lists for the man of the house
Admiring: All the cookies want cookies.
Sorting: Business activity statement paperwork
Getting: Frustrated because I can't do much with my knee recovering
Bookmarking: All the Christmas recipes
Coveting: A new iPad
Disliking: Ants and Flies
Opening: the books I ordered
Giggling: time well wasted reading - Bloggeress "Awkwarding is what brings us all together "
Feeling: out of sorts with a mild bout of depression and why the f' me.
Snacking: Australian green grape$
Helping: Push for Palliative committee - the most daunting thing
Hearing: Voices in my head that will not shut-up.

I Must Confess
~ Random Confessions

You can make a list too, you know you want to!
Pip and I would love to read it!
Let us know if you do this too!

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Your knee will certainly improve, and then so many things on this list are going to be all yours!
1 reply · active 484 weeks ago
Thank you lovely lady.
What an amazing list and probably the bus you didn't realise you were taking stock of.
1 reply · active 484 weeks ago
Thank you Nicole
Love the Bloggess! Her post on Beyonce the Chicken is the funniest thing ever. And LOLLLLLing about your hubby giving you a chainsaw ... are you serious?! And you're still married?!

On a more serious note, hope you have a magical December and Christmas season x
My recent post Comment on 5 Reasons I am a Bad Blogger by Pinky Poinker
1 reply · active 484 weeks ago
Yes, he really did and my brother said it was a good present and tried to teach me how to use it - I don't think it was my hub's intention lol.
I hope the voices quieten down in your head and that your knee recovers Trish. Sounds sucky about the eventual knee reconstruction though...
My recent post I must confess…10 pick me ups
1 reply · active 484 weeks ago
The kids voices drown them out :) sometimes.
I think of the positives - when he says that it will last 20yrs or more.
love this - some i could so related to xx
1 reply · active 484 weeks ago
Thanks Sharyn.
Hope the knee thing sorts itself out. Youthful, top sports people get arthritis in their knees so you're in good company. Great list sweetie poops xxx
1 reply · active 484 weeks ago
haha I'll remember that Pinky.
The gift that keeps giving, you are more optimistic than I am. I call it the scourge that keeps scourging.
My recent post It's The Holidays, Isn't It?
Well I hope your knee heals well and you'll be back to it all soon. I always find these lists interesting to read.
Hope that knee recovers super fast and you are paddling quick and smart. Sending good vibes your way but in the meantime, keep calm and eat brownies!
My recent post A November to Remember
Sounds to me like you need a huge big hug and a girls weekend away! So sorry to hear about your knee! Hope it is fully operational and pain free again very soon! I have osteo arthritis that comes and goes so know all about the bloody aches and pains. I really hope that 2016 is a kinder year to you sweet Trish. Take good care of yourself. xoxo

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