Tuesday 14 January 2014

Natural , Sleeping Beauty 10 top tips to better sleep ~ ReDormin.

If you came looking for a sleeping beauty - sorry to disappoint.

Did you know - on average you spend 36% of your life asleep - that is a whopping 32yrs asleep if you live to 90.

I try not to think of it as time wasted like Thomas Edison did “regarding sleep as a waste of time, ‘a heritage from our cave days,’ ...is it no coinicidenece he invented the light-bulb which changed sleeping patterns for eternity.

Did you sleep well last night ?
Me ?
So - So.
Honestly , I am my own worse enermy because I go to bed late.
I admit I have poor sleep habits.

I exercise late (because I am time poor during the day and it's cooler at night)

Caffeine (I drink lots of tea)
I'm addicted to my iPad and one dozen last check of Facebook.
Blood'y Mozzies eat me alive too.
Men'opause symptoms (from Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer)

Though I am in a vulnerable group having experienced significant and stressful life changes and medical issues over the last 2 yrs. I can do more to regulate external factors (light, sound and temperature).

Identifying the causes of poor sleep is fundamental to restoring natural sleep patterns.

Studies show women are twice as likely to suffer poor sleeping compared to men, despite the fact we consider it more important than men. Good sleep means increased concentration and better decision-making.

A month ago I was invited to a Sleep for Health event , to learn about ReDormin and naturally better sleep. The highlight being a night in the very swish , boutique QT hotel.

Except I can't remember which one was If you eat this you will die !

We were lead on a very enlightening tour of the medicinal plants found in the Royal Botanic Gardens.
Flordis's herbal medicine expert, Nick Burgess gave us a few tips...especially the deadly herbs - what not to eat. I've got a new respect for natural remedies.

It was truly fascinating seeing everyday plants and their follage/flowers that are used to make some of the best known natural remedies and poisons.

Over afternoon tea in the QT, we Mrs Woog , Caz (The Truth about Mummy) , Baby Mac and I , had a chat with sleep psychologist Dr Melinda Jackson, about the importance of sleep for good health .

Melinda discussed the many factors that influence sleep. healthy sleep patterns and shared her expert advice on how to achieve better sleep. It didn't surprise me I was doing it wrong.

Busy mums (is there any other ?) regularly experience missed and broken sleep - not entirely due to 'sleepless' kiddos but combinations of life, family / work inbalance and damn straight work overload.
I wish I had answers for mums who want to sleep but can't because of babies or zombie toddlers who thrive on no sleep.

We know it effects our general health and well-being but we still have trouble managing routines and rituals that improve sleep. A quality night's sleep props up your physical health and keeps mental illness at bay. 

Bloggers asked their readers to submit questions and shared natural sleep remedies and how they work.
I didn't dare light the candle they gave us. It took me about 10-15mins to work out how to turn off the funky coloured lights

The event was sponsored by Flordis 'ReDormin', which has been shown in clinical studies to help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake refreshed. Especially for the relief of insomnia. Frequently asked questions are answered on the website.

Concluding with a delicious dinner at the hotel’s restaurant, we were bid goodnight & sweet dreams before heading to our rooms ... I went to top floor GYM to exercise off my dinner because it was 4-5 days before my Half marathon. Bad sleep move.

ReDormin works by re-setting the two main bio-rhythmic cycles which control sleep patterns.
ReDormin acts in a similar way to melatonin, by signalling the end of the day to the brain and reducing body core temperature. At the same time, it activates adenosine receptors in the brain (and so works in the opposite way to caffeine) to produce a sedative effect.
Together these two actions reduce the time to get to sleep and reduce wakefulness during the sleep cycle.
Clinical studies show significant improvements in sleep patterns, and 4 out of 5 people awoke refreshed the next morning within 2 weeks of taking ReDormin.
ReDormin tablets contain a unique formulation (Ze 91019), made up of specific extracts of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)and Hops (Humulus lupulus). ReDormin has been clinically proven, it is the exact product that has been used in numerous clinical trials.See more at: Flordis
After, trying ReDormin I agree that it has helped my sleep patterns. I completed a 2 week sleep diary and apart from a rude awakening at 3am by a selfish , young room-mate in the backpackers hostel (she turned the light then banged around for 10mins) and worry I'd sleep through the alarm and miss my race start ; then a night in my friend's too soft, spare bed (without my favourite pillow), - I think I slept better overall.

I still wake overnight to use the bathroom (maybe because I drink too much tea and water while exercising late)

More commitment on my part is required. My husband frequently complains I disrupt his sleep by coming to bed late, then he can't return to sleep and I feel bad about that . (He also says the toilet roll holder rattling wakes him. He bought it !)

Since because I said so the Sleep event - my husband has installed our new vertical drapes to reduce early morning light coming in through the glass sliding door (opposite our bed), a wall fan and now new air-conditioner (the latter being his own idea to save us both getting too hot & sweaty to sleep). We recently purchased a new mattress too.

Sadly ,I've slipped into bad habits over Christmas / New year without the pressure of the school routine and my recreational & exercise routine (Dragon boat paddling and running club) .

This week I'm easing between the sheets with the following 10 top tips for better sleep. It is a great PDF.

"Take sleep seriously," says Russell Foster. "The importance of sleep isn't some crystal-waving nonsense." Good sleep reduces mood swings, stress, levels of anger and impulsiveness.

Did you sleep well last night ?

If you like TED talk - watch this video about Neuroscience of sleep too by Russell Foster . I put it here so I can find it again.

Linking up with #IBOT Essentially Jess