I always have a lot of reasons to smile ... beats whinging and complaining (though I do my fair share too).
Thursday night we read a few bed time stories and then I nursed the Brothers individually ... but neither went to sleep. So Daddy (DH) put them into their cots anyway.Though we co sleep they go to sleep in the cots first most nights. Except Daddy put J in S's cot with Big Ted (There's a bear in there)

We heard a lot of noise and giggling ... then DH yells out to me - "hey come look at this ...quick"
S was nekkid , cot was sans pillow (now wet ?), blanket and doggy and teddy . Pj's on the floor and nappy. He had also pulled clothes out of the drawer and was happily jumping and smiling ...
J was seated on top of change table - we think he had first used big teddy for a foot hold -not that he needed it. He had pulled out all the things from shelf beneath, ripped things open and thrown the clock (off the wall near change table) to the floor, along with pillow,blanket, small teddy & book from cot. It looked like a bomb scene.
*gasp* It was a
they are quick learners ! Now S knew how easy it was to escape ...

diving in head first

get out of my way -

It coulda' been worse ...
Did you notice the broken blind slats ...and the fact the cots are a good distance away from wall/curtains ?
Doing the Revive our hearts challenge because it is making my DH smile ...*till this afternoon
Revive our hearts :
Day Five:
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good forDay Five:
necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Eph. 4:29
Do you praise your husband to his relatives, and yours? Does your husband's mother
know how much you love him?
Yes I am sure she does ...
Today's suggestion is to let them know by letter ...which funnily I thought about yesterday. I will for Mother's Day ... remind me if I forget.
Today's suggestion is to let them know by letter ...which funnily I thought about yesterday. I will for Mother's Day ... remind me if I forget.
What made you smile this week ...
I love the look on their faces!! Seriously though, I feel your pain - we're not long off that ourselves. Good luck!
That has to be the ultimate toddler obstacle course!
My girls are in big beds now - They are the ultimate cubby houses..
I'm surprised you didn't go into heart failure !!!!
lol. Little monkeys. They look very proud of themselves though don't they. Just gorgeous. Good luck on containing them now.
Am looking forward to your Screw up Tuesday too. That's been a bit of fun.
Now I'm interested to know the boys sleep schedule...
What time are they usually in bed? Do they nap? What time do they wake up? :P I bet if Deeder shared a room with an age-mate he'd be up to the same antics! Pretty funny...um, to read about anyway! :)
Love the pics!
That is a classic you'll have to show on their 21st birthday :)
Guera- thanks - almost time for the big beds to come out of storage.
Alison -cubby houses sound like fun.Our big beds are racing cars we got 2nd hand from my SIL's friend - A lady who coincidently I was in same year at school so we got a good buy -
WS - I did for a few secs -then couldn't stop laughing -
Screw up Tuesday ... oh - they are both good ;) - see you Tuesday ...
Laura - they have one nap about 2 hrs, go down around 12-1pm if I am lucky -but mostly I nurse them to sleep .
If I put them in awake - they PLAY & wreck as you can imagine LOL and takes 1 hr before they nod off.
At night they don't go to bed till
Jayne - thanks I agree but I missed some beauties too *sigh who moved my camera LOL
The photos of your boys are so gorgeous.
Saying sorry is always good for the soul!
lol.....fantastic shots...well done for getting the camera.
That is a super duper cross country course ... kinder gym at home.
Planning queen -TY yes sorry is good and I was ...
Megan - I missed the best ones but I knew if I was patient they would do it all again. These guys once they learn a new trick like show it off.
thanks for visiting me.
What a laugh, I remember that sort of thing quite well (followed by going straight to a big kid mattress on the floor to stop the splat effect in the middle of the night) I look forward to reading the rest of it
Oh. My. Goodness!!! They are clever little stinkers, aren't they? That is just too funny - LOL! I'm not sure straight jackets would even slow that dynamic duo down, Trish :D
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