Today,I want to give thanks for all my old and new friends .I'm feeling nostalgic and Christmasy
You've Got A Friend---Carole King,Celine,Gloria,Shania
Well I have been tagged a few times now by this 7 random facts meme by many friends
- Today two years ago we found out ... there's a pair in there.We knew we had two embryos but an early scan the previous week only showed only one heartbeat. My heart was beating so fast and loud I thought I was going to explode... with joy!
- When I was in 6th class my teacher, Miss Edwards used me to send love notes to her boyfriend - an old and balding teacher Mr Rees .I read one can't remember the gooey stuff but it was signed off ...xx your humble cookie, Jan ! (Miss Edwards if you are reading this I am sorry).I am amazed I can remember this.
- The first computer I used was at about 14 -15 I am not sure of the brand since I googled that the Commodore 64 (I thought it was this but wasn't released till 1982 and I was 16 then) and I thank my dad for introducing us to home computers.
- I've donated blood since I was 18yrs old ... 26 times or 12.22 litres approximately. (sometimes with a huge gap in years due to various reasons).
- Since July 2006 - I have been breastfeeding/pumping breast milk for twins at approximately 530 days @ minimum of 1 litre (but I know it's more that is over 530 litres or over half a tonne of milk. Litre is also slightly more than one U.S. liquid quart and slightly less than one Imperial quart or the less common U.S. dry quart.
- I met my husband on a radio making program 19 yrs ago .Today marks the day I returned from my 1100km bike ride from Melbourne to Sydney in 1988 - desperately wanting to wrap my arms around him but I didn't (or did later because he wasn't at finish to greet me - boohoo) .It was our 1 month anniversary of 'going out' and 2 month anniversary of our first blind date.
- I love hugs .I think free hugs program would start a revolution ... ( would you be brave enough to do this ?)
Your turn - I am supposed to tag 7 people but I think lots of people have already done this - if you are reading this and haven't been tagged tell me and I will link you here - go on I promise it is fun. It is all about linking up with friends too.
Hey Amy, Kim ,Melbo ... have you done this meme ?
hey - you have got to see the song below - the best version of the 12 days of Christmas ever ...
Hey, I stopped by after reading your comment on Swistle's blog.
We didn't find out it was twins until 21 weeks so I love seeing other people's early twin ultrasounds. Your sons are adorable. I also pumped/breastfed and by the end I had enough for triplets. The girls got BM for three months after I weaned from the pump! Keep up the good work!!!
I loved the ultra sound photo!!!!
when i was younger, we had a commodore 64, too! we had all these stupid homemade games on it. it's amazing, how limited that computer was, compared to now!!!!
thanks for stopping by and for the comments!
i'll be back here...soon!
half a tonne of milk. wow. And awesome.
I'm putting up a sonogram of Alex tomorrow too :)
Thanks for stopping by my site and commenting. I am so in awe of your breastfeeding prowess- for twins! Wow! I have breastfed my son for almost a year and am really proud of that but you...wow!
Great post and, again, come over anytime!
Thanks for leaving the comment on my backchat blog.. You made me feel heaps better.. 'The spouse' absolutely loathes my computer...
Great meme too.. wow that is a lot of milk...
cheers Kim..
Amazing when you first see them like that, isn't it? (ultrasound)
My first was a Commodore 64, too! :-D
snigger - you are SUCH an overachiever!
Thanks for the tag - will complete the meme tomorrow during work (sshhh)
Love, love LOVE the scan and the pics, my hubby has finally realised that ours aren't the only ones fixated with toys in lines and sitting in boxes.
Twins are a joy AND amazing. I have a twin brother and sister. I wouldn't trade 'em for the world. ;)
I love that ultrasound picture and I can only imagine your shock when you saw it. *LOL*
Tisha @ CrAzY Working Mom
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