Sunday 12 May 2013

What I miss most

Whether you love tending roses, native shrubs, caring for your lawn or pot plants , or even just pulling out a few weeds it burns a few calories too. Gardening works off stress and brings a little peace to our hectic lifestyle and more important the results are pleasing to the eye.

We don't have much of a garden on the farm because we have very limited water. The chaos of the last 11 months and the traveling back & forth for treatment meant we put any garden on hold.

I  miss Charlotte's Garden was the hardest part of our tree-change.

I know that if odour were visible, as colour is,
I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.
~Robert Bridges, "Testament of Beauty"

Early one morning ...the light was not good ;)

How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence. ~Benjamin Disraeli

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney, "Garden Thoughts"

Charlotte's garden was our happy place.
We turned the soil, measured out and laid the garden edging, constructed the wishing well and planted her roses. 

Watching the roses bloom seemed to take the raw edges off our grief.
Her roses have given immense pleasure ~ to admire the colours , touch {sans ouchy thorns} and most of all the fragrant blooms.

They're colourful, we have every colour, yellows, orange, pinks, mauve, red and white.
Month after month, year after year . They bloom almost all year , save for when we gave them a good winter prune.
The smell of one red rose could fill our house.
In a small way, a measure of Her presence

We have transplanted three roses - "Charlotte" and the "Charlotte" standard and "Mother's Love" into half wine-tubs & a pot. They are a sad at the moment because I pruned them and the cows have been eating them.

Her garden was in our little courtyard, private and quiet. We will no doubt re-create a measure of it , one day.

My older son's friend broke this - being a BRAT -grrrr but I glued it together.

The cat and the seat are with us on the farm ! The Tabby Cat on the left went missing 2wks after we moved. I miss her too.

This was 5 years ago ...LOL the cute kid has grown too. I miss this age...maybe and Puddles I want Puddles !

We still own the house, it is tenanted at present.
Of course, I will always miss my Dad who passed away suddenly 7.5 yrs ago. Love you Dad

I'm taking part in the Mother's Day Classic raising funds for breast cancer research. Every extra dollar raised goes towards vital research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. I'll be participating or volunteering along with 120,000 Australians nationwide who are making a difference on Mother's Day . You can help me too by donating online